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Mission Statement of the Florida Museum of Natural History

The Florida Museum of Natural History is Florida’s state museum of natural history, dedicated to understanding, preserving and interpreting biological diversity and cultural heritage.

Legislative Mandate for the Florida Museum of Natural History—See Appendix I


In the belief that shared governance is effective through working relationships among administrators, faculty and staff, a mutual respect for the participants’ differing roles and responsibilities, and mutual trust in the ability and willingness of the various parties to meet their commitments, we, the members of the Florida Museum of Natural History, do establish and ratify these bylaws.

ARTICLE I: Governance of the Florida Museum of Natural History

These bylaws are intended to establish the general principles in order to guide the governance of the Florida Museum of Natural History (hereafter Museum). These bylaws are governed by and subordinate to the University of Florida Constitution, the Florida Administrative Code, the University of Florida Board of Trustees, and the United Faculty of Florida Collective Bargaining Agreement. In matters of conflict, the University Constitution and the Florida Administrative Code, the University of Florida Board of Trustees, and the provisions of the United Faculty of Florida Collective Bargaining Agreement constitute the ruling documents. Operating within these contexts and within the provisions of these bylaws, the faculty and staff of the Museum have responsibility for Museum policy development, program planning, and fundraising.

ARTICLE II: Name and Organization

Section 1: Name

The Museum is a unit within the University of Florida (hereafterUniversity).

Section 2: Organization

A.The branches of the Museum are:

  1. Director’s Office
  2. Department of Exhibits and Public Programs (Powell Hall)
  3. Department of Natural History (Dickinson and McGuire Halls)
  4. Other institutes, centers, and programs (see Appendix II)

B. Organizational structure of the Museum

  1. Detailed organizational charts are available from the Director’s Office.

Section 3: Programs

Non-degree granting programs may be established as necessary to assist the Museum in its collections activities, research, teaching, and service within the guidelines of the University.

Section 4: Institutes and Centers

Institutes and centers may be established as necessary to assist the Museum in its collections activities, research, teaching, and service within the guidelines of the University.

Section 5: Procedures for Development or Consolidation of a Department, Institute, Center or Program

A. The formation of a new department or establishment of an institute, center or program within the Museum shall be established by a two-thirds majority affirmative vote by the faculty (for the Department of Natural History), division managers (for the Department of Exhibits and Public Programs), or the Museum Administrative Committee and is subject to approval by the appropriate departmental head and the Museum Director. Any faculty or division heads’/managers’ vote is advisory to the appropriate departmental head and the Museum Director.

B. The abolition of a department, institute, center, or program within the Museum shall be voted on by a two-thirds majority affirmative vote of the faculty, division managers, or the Museum Administrative Committee, and is subject to approval by the appropriate departmental head and the Museum Director. Any faculty or division heads’/managers’ vote is advisory to the departmental head and the Museum Director.

C. The Museum Director, the Museum Administrative Committee, or any group >50% or more of the faculty, division managers and staff, may petition for the establishment, merger, consolidation, or abolition of a department, institute, center, or program.

ARTICLE III: Administrative Officers

Section 1: The Director

The chief executive and administrative officer of the Museum is the Director, who may at the same time hold faculty rank. The Provost, in consultation with the President of the University, shall appoint the Director. In making this appointment, the Provost and President will be encouraged to give consideration to the opinion of the faculty and staff by consultation with a special committee of at least one faculty member appointed by the eligible voting faculty, at least one Associate or Assistant Director appointed by the Acting Director, at least one staff member appointed by the Department Chair from the Department of Natural History, at least one senior staff member appointed by the Department Head from the Department of Exhibits and Public Programs, and at least one staff member from the Director’s Office appointed by the Acting Director. The Director shall be responsible to the Provost and President for the administration of the Museum and shall be the agent of the faculty and staff for the execution of Museum policy required by the University. In exercising his/her primary decision-making responsibilities, the Director shall seek input from faculty and staff through the departmental heads and provide feedback about the final decision. The Director may appoint another Museum employee as his/her representative to serve in whatever capacity the Director deems appropriate. The Director shall adhere to museum best practices and standards as promulgated by the American Association of Museums. The Director may create ad hoc committees as needed. The service of the Director shall be reviewed every two years by the faculty and staff.

Section 2: Associate, Assistant, and Center Directors; Institute Heads

The Museum Director, as the University President’s representative, shall appoint all Museum associate and assistant directors, center directors, institute heads, and other administrative officers of the Museum as deemed necessary. The duties and responsibilities of such associate and assistant directors shall be determined by the Museum Director to provide for the execution of Museum policy. All associate and assistant directors and other administrative officers of the Museum shall adhere to museum best practices and standards as promulgated by the American Association of Museums. The service of the associate and assistant directors shall be reviewed by the faculty and staff every year or two years as required by the University.

Section 3: The Museum Administrative Committee

The Museum Administrative Committee shall be composed of the Director, Associate and Assistant Directors, Department of Natural History Chair, Head of the Department of Education and Public Programs, the Director of the McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, the Director of the Center for Informal Science Education, the Director of Information Technology, and others at the discretion of the Museum Director. The Committee shall meet with the Museum Director to address projects, programs and challenges relating to the administration of the Museum.

Section 4: Head of Exhibits and Public Programs

The ranking of the position of Head of Exhibits and Public Programs is determined by the Museum Director, and is filled by a search following the relevant procedures specified in the bylaws. The Head of Exhibits and Public Programs shall be evaluated by Exhibits and Public Programs staff annually. He/she shall be evaluated by the Museum Director annually, according to procedures established by the UF Department of Human Resources. The Head of Exhibits and Public Programs may appoint another Department employee as his/her representative to serve in whatever capacity the Head of Exhibits and Public Programs deems appropriate.

Section 5: Duties of the Head of Exhibits and Public Programs

A. Oversee daily operations.

B. Develop new and innovative programs and exhibits.

C. Over see permanent and traveling exhibits, educational programming, and marketing and public relations.

D. Oversee the financial management of the Department of Exhibits and Public Programs. Set the annual departmental budget in consultation with the divisional managers.

E. Work with staff to develop new earned income opportunities and to build audiences.

F. Convene and preside over regular and special department meetings.

G. Assign merit raises based on stated assignments.

H. Develop an agenda for department meetings in consultation with divisional managers.

I. Represent the Department of Exhibits and Public Programs in meetings of the Museum Administrative Committee.

J. Work with the Museum Director to arrange for development and evaluation of the Department of Exhibit and Public Programs’ and the Museum’s strategic plans, and appoint ad hoc committees to ensure input from the Department of Exhibit and Public Programs staff.

K. Serve on Museum and University committees as requested by the Museum Director.

L. Appoint Department of Exhibits and Public Programs staff to serve on departmental and Museum committees as needed.

M. Form ad hoc committees for special issues such as modifications to the Bylaws, job searches, and strategic planning.

N. Supervise the Assistant Director of Education, Assistant Director of Exhibits, Assistant Director for Marketing and Public Relations, Business Services Coordinator, Operations Coordinator, the Administrative Assistant, and Office Manager.

O. Educate UF students (both undergraduate and graduate) and others through teaching, supervising independent studies, and supervising thesis and dissertation research.

P. Perform other duties as required.

Section 6: Department Chair of Natural History

The Department Chair typically serves for a term of 3 years, and may serve more than one term if re-appointed by the Museum Director, pending the incumbent’s acceptance and approval by the faculty. The Department Chair shall be evaluated by faculty and staff annually. The Department Chair may appoint another Department employee as his/her representative to serve in whatever capacity the Department Chair deems appropriate. The Department Chair may appoint an Assistant to the Chair to help with certain duties, and to act as his/her representative when appropriate.

Section 7: Duties of the Department Chair of Natural History

A. Convene and preside over regular and special Department of Natural History faculty meetings. Meetings shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order, revised.

B. Develop an agenda for the Department of Natural History faculty meetings in consultation with the Department of Natural History Departmental Advisory Committee.

C. Convene and preside over regular Department of Natural History collections managers and staff meetings, to receive input from the Department of Natural History collections managers and other departmental staff. Meetings shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order, revised.

D. Represent the Department of Natural History in meetings of the Museum Administrative Committee.

E. Work with the Museum Director to arrange for development and evaluation of the Department of Natural History’s and the Museum’s strategic plans, and appoint ad hoc committees to ensure input from the Department of Natural History faculty and staff.

F. Serve on Museum and University committees as requested by the Museum Director.

G. Oversee the preparation of packets for promotion and tenure.

H. Assign merit raises based on stated assignments and input from the Department ofNatural History Departmental Advisory Committee.

I. Set the annual departmental budget in consultation with the Department ofNatural History faculty and the Departmental Advisory Committee.

J. Provide written annual evaluations of the Department of Natural History faculty in consultation with the Departmental Advisory Committee, in a timely manner.

K. May appoint Department of Natural History faculty and staff to serve on departmental and Museum committees.

L. Form ad hoc committees for special issues such as modifications to the Bylaws, job searches, and strategic planning.

M. May appoint and supervise a part-time departmental Assistant to the Chair (see Appendix III).

N. Supervise the Departmental Administrative Assistant, who acts as secretary for the Department of Natural History and manages the departmental budget, in addition to the usual duties assigned to the Department of Natural History Office (see Appendix III).

O. Undertake faculty responsibilities as listed below (see Article IV, Section 2)

P. Perform other duties as required.

Section 8: Procedures for the Selection of a Department Chair for Natural History

Only tenured faculty in the Department of Natural History are eligible to serve as Department Chair. The Department Chair is selected by a >50% affirmative vote of the eligible voting faculty (as defined in Article IV, Section 1) and the eligible voting staff (as defined in Article VI, Section 1) from the Department of Natural History only. Any vote is advisory to the Museum Director, and is subject to his/her approval.

A. General Procedures

  1. The Search Committee shall be formed from among the members of theDepartmental Advisory Committee, and shall consist of no fewer than three members. The Search Committee shall appoint its own chair. If no consensus can be reached regarding the Search Committee chair, the Museum Director shall appoint the Search Committee chair.
  2. The Search Committee shall solicit nominations for the Department Chair position from all departmental faculty and staff. Any eligible faculty may also put his/her name forward for consideration without a formal nomination by other faculty or staff. The Search Committee shall also provide a summary of the current duties of the Chair, along with those duties currently assumed by the Administrative Assistant and the Assistant to the Chair.
  3. Following receipt of nominations, the Search Committee shall confirm the willingness of each nominee to stand for election. A slate of candidates consisting of willing nominees and volunteers shall be presented to the departmental faculty and staff. The Search Committee will request a brief written statement from each candidate outlining his/her vision and goals for the Department. These written statements shall be made available to departmental faculty and staff, as well as senior Director’s Office staff .
  4. The candidates will meet with the departmental faculty and staff to present their statements and to answer questions.
  5. The Search Committee shall convene two meetings (one faculty, one staff) to identify the top choice for new Department Chair. The staff meeting shall be held prior to the faculty meeting.

B. Voting Procedures for Faculty

  1. Those who are unable to attend the faculty meeting may cast absentee ballots.Absentee ballots, ranking the candidates on the priority list, must be receivedin writing by the Search Committee Chair before the meeting.
  2. Each eligible faculty member votes for their top candidate. The tally of these votes also includes the highest ranked candidate from each absentee ballot.
  3. If one candidate receives >50% of the vote, his/her name is moved to the shortlist.
  4. If no candidate receives >50% of the vote, then the candidate(s) with the lowest number of votes is/are removed from the voting list, and voting resumes at step 2.
  5. Every time a candidate is added to the short list, a motion may be made to stop the voting process, so that no additional candidates are added to the short list. A >50% affirmative vote for this motion determines whether voting proceeds or not.
  6. All candidates in the original pool, who are not elevated to the short list, are retained in the original pool for reconsideration each time that voting resumes at step 2.
  7. Once the motion is passed to stop adding names to the short list (see #5 above), a vote is taken. A candidate must garner >50% of the vote to be recommended as the faculty’s top choice for new Department Chair.
  8. Faculty may discuss and vote (>50% to pass) whether other candidates who did not make the short list should still be considered in the event that the chosen candidate declines.
  9. A staff-appointed representative shall attend the faculty meeting to cast the staff’s vote during the first round of voting. Information from the staff meeting (e.g., the staff’s ranking of candidates) may be requested by faculty for consideration at any point during the faculty’s voting process.
  10. The Search Committee presents the final decision to the Museum Director for consideration. Any vote is advisory to the Museum Director.
  11. In the event that the candidate(s) is unacceptable to the or Museum Director, they shall request from the faculty/staff the name(s) of another acceptable candidate(s).

C. Voting Procedures for Staff

  1. Those who are unable to attend the staff meeting may cast absentee ballots.Absentee ballots, ranking the candidates on the priority list, must be received in writing by the Search Committee Chair before the meeting.
  2. Each eligible staff member votes for their top candidate. The tally of these votes also includes the highest ranked candidate from each absentee ballot.
  3. Staff voting procedures follow those presented in Section 8, B, Steps 3-9.
  4. Once the motion is passed to stop adding names to the short list (see #5above), a vote is taken. A candidate must garner >50% of the vote to be recommended as the staff’s top choice for new Department Chair.
  5. Staff may discuss and vote (>50% to pass) whether other candidates who did not make the short list should still be considered in the event that the chosen candidate declines.
  6. At the close of the staff meeting, a staff representative is appointed by those present to attend the faculty meeting. The staff vote counts as one vote. The staff representative casts one vote for the staff’s chosen candidate during the first round of voting.

Section 9: The Department of Natural History Departmental Advisory Committee

A. Membership

  1. Members of the Departmental Advisory Committee (DAC) are appointed from among nominees selected by the faculty, and must consist of tenured faculty only. Members must be appointed by a >50% affirmative vote of the eligible voting faculty.
  2. The DAC shall consist of one member from each of the three major divisions within the Department: Paleontology, Anthropology, and Neontology.
  3. A quorum is the two-thirds majority of the members.
  4. The Museum Director, the Museum Associate or Assistant Director, theDepartment Associate or Assistant Director, and Department Chair shall notbe eligible to serve on the DAC.

B. Terms

  1. The members of the DAC shall be appointed for three-year terms. Members may serve more than one term if re-appointed by the faculty, following the procedures in Section 1A above.
  2. Terms of individual members shall be staggered so that some seasoned members remain on the DAC as new members rotate onto the Committee, in the interest of preserving institutional memory.
  3. When a vacancy opens, any eligible faculty member from the former member’s division (Paleontology, Neontology, or Anthropology) may put his/her name on the ballot. A special election shall be held to fill the vacancy. Elections shall be conducted by faculty ballot. A >50% affirmative vote is required to appoint a new member. If there are more than two candidates and a majority is not achieved on the first vote, the candidate receiving the fewest votes shall be removed from contention and subsequent rounds of voting shall take place. In the event of a tie, the Department Chair shall appoint a member from the remaining two candidates.

C. Duties

  1. Advise the Chair on all matters pertaining to promotion and tenure.
  2. Assist the Chair in preparing annual evaluations based on the annual reports provided by the faculty.
  3. Advise the Chair on matters concerning the Salary Pay Plan and the Market Equity Review.
  4. Meet with the Chair before each faculty meeting to provide input into the agenda.
  5. Serve in any capacity that requires an appointed committee such as the evaluation of internally generated proposals.
  6. Consult with the Department Chair to help set the annual budget.

Section 10: Director of the McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity

The Museum Director shall appoint the Director of the McGuire Center. In selecting the McGuire Center Director, the Museum Director shall consult with the McGuire Center staff and with appropriate heads of other University and State departments, colleges, and agencies that contribute faculty, curators, staff, students and other resources to the McGuire Center, including, but not limited to, the Florida Department of Agriculture, Florida State Collection of Arthropods, and Department of Entomology and Nematology. The duties and responsibilities of the McGuire Center Director shall be determined by the Museum Director to provide for the execution of Museum and University policy and the interests of other cooperating departments, colleges, and agencies involved in the Center. The McGuire Center Director shall be evaluated by McGuire Center faculty and staff annually. He/she shall be evaluated by the Museum Director annually, according to procedures established by the UF Department of Human Resources.

Section 11: Duties of the Director of the McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity

A. Administer the McGuire Center, prepare an annual budget, and supervise the overall operations and finances of the Center and activities and performances of those employees assigned to the Center.

B. Establish working procedures and protocols for the McGuire Center, consistent with the established policies of the Museum and the University, seeking to integrate all operations with those at Powell and Dickinson Halls.

C. Oversee the scientific collections, laboratory equipment, and general building and support facilities in McGuire Hall.

D. Work with Museum and McGuire Center faculty and staff to insure the success of the Butterfly Rainforest and the other Museum exhibits on Lepidoptera.

E. Pursue development opportunities to enhance the goals and mission of the McGuire Center and the Museum. Develop grant proposals to support research, public education, and facilities development.

F. Pursue the acquisition of appropriate collections and library resources to build the international scientific value and reputation of the McGuire Center and the Museum.

G. Carry out academic activities appropriate for a university faculty member, including directing graduate students, peer reviewed publications, and presentations at scientific meetings, as well as other academic and public instructional activities. Participate in and help initiate and organize scientific meetings and conferences related to the disciplines of the McGuire Center and Museum.

H. Represent the McGuire Center in meetings of the Museum Administrative Committee.

I. Work with the Museum Director to arrange for development and evaluation of McGuire Center’s and the Museum’s strategic plans, and appoint ad hoc committees to ensure input from the McGuire Center staff.

J. Serve on Museum and University committees as requested by the Museum Director.

K. Recommend McGuire Center faculty and staff to serve on departmental and Museum committees as needed, when requested by the Department of Natural History Chair or Museum Director.

L. Perform other duties as required.

Section 12: Director of the Center for Informal Science Education

The Museum Director shall appoint the director of the Center for Informal Science Education (CISE). In selecting the CISE Director, the Museum Director shall consult with Museum faculty and staff, UF departments, and other institutions and agencies as appropriate. The duties and responsibilities of the CISE Director shall be determined by the Museum Director. The Museum Director shall evaluate the CISE Director annually, with input from Museum faculty and staff, including CISE faculty and staff, and according to procedures established by the UF Department of Human Resources. The CISE Director may appoint another member of CISE to serve as his/her representative when appropriate.

Section 13: Duties of the Director of the Center for Informal Science Education

A. Oversee the operations and financial management of CISE.

B. Develop new and innovative programs.

C. Pursue development opportunities to enhance the goals and mission of CISE and the Museum.

D. Develop funding proposals to support research and education initiatives.

E. Carry out academic activities appropriate for a UF faculty member including directing graduate and undergraduate students, peer-reviewed publications, presentations at professional meetings, and other academic and public education activities.

F. Supervise the staff funded by grants.

G. Convene and preside over CISE and special project meetings.

H. Represent CISE in meetings of the Museum Administrative Committee.

I. Serve on Museum and University committees as requested by the Museum Director.

J. Perform other duties as required.

Section 14: Faculty and Special Departmental Meetings

A. At least one faculty meeting per month shall be scheduled during the regular academic year from August through May.

B. A non-voting staff representative shall be appointed by staff consensus (>50% affirmative vote) to attend faculty meetings.

C. A non-voting graduate student representative shall be appointed by the Museum’s graduate student body (>50% affirmative vote) to attend faculty meetings. The graduate student representative shall not serve more than 1 year.

D. Special meetings may be called by the Museum Director, Department of Natural History Chair, Head of Exhibits and Public Programs, or by petition by one or more of the eligible voting faculty.

E. Except in cases of emergency, faculty shall receive notice of meetings and agendas for meetings at least 48 hours in advance.

F. The agenda shall be set by the Department Chair, who may invite input from the Departmental Advisory Committee.

G. The agenda shall include reports from all standing committees, from the Faculty Senate, and from any ad hoc committees.

H. The agenda shall include an opportunity for input from any faculty member who wishes to speak.

I. A quorum for meetings of the faculty shall be >50%.

J. Proxies shall be recognized.

K. Meetings shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order, revised.

L. Minutes of meetings shall be recorded and posted no later than 48 hours prior to the next faculty meeting.

M. There shall be an annual report to the faculty regarding the state of theDepartment including expendures and budget.

N. Policy proposals may be generated by any faculty member, standing committee, subcommittee, or ad hoc committee. The Department Chair shall place the proposal on the agenda for a faculty meeting or route the proposal to the appropriate committee.

O. Any major departmental policy proposal including, but not limited to, the Museum Strategic Plan and Collections Policy requires a two-thirds majority affirmative vote by the eligible voting faculty. Staff input into development of any major departmental policies directly impacting staff responsibilities and duties or related to the curation and exhibition of collections shall be permitted. Requests for staff input and response shall be coordinated by and reported to the faculty by the Department Chair, by the Assistant to the Chair, or by departmental committees.

ARTICLE IV: The Faculty

Section 1: Faculty Membership

A. The faculty of the Museum shall consist of assistant curators, associate curators, curators, distinguished curators, distinguished professors, graduate research professors, and eminent scholars in tenured and tenure-accruing ranks as well as assistants in, associates in and scientists in non-tenure-accruing ranks, and other members of the faculty as defined in the University Constitution. Only those positions in tenured and tenure-accruing ranks shall have voting rights and shall be defined as the eligible voting faculty, unless specifically stated otherwise in these bylaws.

B. Faculty members may recommend individuals for appointments, such as adjunct, affiliate, courtesy, provisional, research, emeritus, visiting faculty, and visiting scholars. The rights and privileges of the appointments shall be specified at the time of the appointment. Individuals with these appointments may not vote on Museum matters, including but not limited to, matters of policy, promotion and funding, or participate in Museum governance. A two-thirds majority affirmative vote of the eligible voting faculty is required before an individual can be appointed to any of the aforementioned positions.

C. See Appendix IV for a detailed list of voting and non-voting faculty.

Section 2: Faculty Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the faculty shall include:

A. Curation and collections management.

  1. Adhere to the best practices and standards of the American Association of Museums.
  2. Participate in fund raising to support collections responsibilities.
  3. Supervise collections managers and other support staff.

B. Conduct an active research program in the appropriate academic specialty and related fields.

  1. Publish research results in national or international peer-reviewed journals, or as monographs or books.
  2. Attend professional meetings to present research results.
  3. Generate grants funds to support research.

C. Educate UF students (both undergraduate and graduate) and others through teaching, supervising independent studies, and supervising thesis and dissertation research.

D. Assist in general Museum and departmental matters by attending faculty meetings, serving on committees, and voting on issues of concern to the Museum and the appropriate department.

E. Participate in academic, research, teaching, curatorial, educational, and service programs and outreach in the percentages indicated on the faculty periodic assignment report.

F. Comply with international, national, state, and local laws and regulations, including but not limited to those of the United States government, State of Florida, and University.

G. Other duties and services as requested by the Museum Director or departmental heads.

Section 3: Faculty Rights

A. Faculty members have the right to know what is required of them in their work and how that work shall be evaluated. Faculty members shall be provided with a statement of their responsibilities, and shall have the right to consult on these responsibilities with the Department Chair. Faculty members shall be provided with the criteria by which they shall be evaluated upon initial appointment and annually thereafter.

B. All principles and procedures on which decisions regarding tenure, promotion, sabbatical leaves, salaries, salary increases and evaluations are made and all results of those decisions shall be made known to the individual faculty member in a timely manner. Faculty members have the right to appeal such decisions consistent with applicable policies and procedures, in a timely manner, as well as to expect a timely reply. Records on these and other matters of faculty interest shall be readily accessible and shall be given on the request of the individual as stipulated by law.

C. On all matters relating to tenure and promotion, faculty members have a right to receive the results of Department votes, as well as the Department Chair’s and the Museum Director’s letters and recommendations, in a timely manner.

D. Pursuant to University policy and the United Faculty of Florida Collective Bargaining Agreement, any faculty member, upon his/her request, has the right to see any information about him/herself kept in any official files and has the right to reply in writing. These replies shall be placed in the individual’s official files.

Section 4: Promotion and Tenure

A. Promotion and tenure within the Museum are governed by Article V, Sections 4 and 5, of the University Constitution, University of Florida rules found in the Florida Administrative Code, and United Faculty of Florida Collective Bargaining Agreement.

B. The Departmental Advisory Committee shall consider all matters relating to faculty promotion and tenure.

C. All tenure-accruing faculty shall select a mentoring committee from among the tenured departmental faculty within their first year, and shall meet with the committee annually to evaluate their progress. Tenure accruing faculty shall be evaluated in any or all of the following areas: collections activities, research, publications, university education, presentations at professional meetings, contracts and grants, Museum and University governance and service, creative works and activities, fundraising, and any other services deemed appropriate by the mentoring committee.

D. The Departmental Advisory Committee shall review all faculty candidates for appointment at ranks of assistant curator or higher, or appointment with tenure. Upon a >50% affirmative vote by tenured faculty, a candidate shall be moved forward for consideration. The Departmental Advisory Committee shall then meet with the Department Chair and Museum Director to provide their assessments.

E. The Department will initiate a mid-career review of each tenure-accruing faculty member toward the end of the faculty member’s third year. The Department Chair and the faculty will define the departmental review process, which will include, at a minimum, a substantive assessment of an updated curriculum vitae and teaching evaluations of the faculty member. The tenured faculty in the Department shall review the progress of the faculty member and provide input to the Department Chair, who shall share this information with the faculty member. The Museum Director also shall review the faculty member’s record and provide an assessment.

F. Tenured faculty members shall receive a sustained performance evaluation once every seven years following the award of tenure or their most recent promotion. They shall receive six months notice prior to the performance evaluation being released. The purpose of this evaluation is to document sustained performance during the previous six years of assigned duties and to encourage continued professional growth. A performance improvement plan shall be developed for those faculty whose performance is consistently below satisfactory in one or more areas of assigned duties.

Section 5: Representative(s) to the University Faculty Senate

A. Election of Senator(s):
A slate of potential candidates for the University Faculty Senate shall be developed by Departmental Advisory Committee by one of the Museum Senators by contacting prospective candidates in order to verify their willingness and availability to serve. The number and terms of Senators representing the Museum is prescribed by the Constitution of the University.

B. Responsibilities of Senator(s):

  1. Represent the Museum in the Faculty Senate.
  2. Provide faculty with an agenda and summary of minutes of University FacultySenate meetings in a timely manner.

ARTICLE V: Searches for Tenure-Track or Tenured Faculty

Section 1: General Procedures

A. Searches for tenure-track or tenured faculty shall be conducted by the relevant department, under the direction of the Faculty Search Committee. Only faculty, staff, and graduate students from the relevant department may participate in a search, following procedures defined in the bylaws.

B. References must be checked prior to extending a job offer. The Search Committee shall ensure that the final candidate meets the minimum experience required for the position vacancy.

C. The Department Chair, in consultation with the Museum Director, shall decide how soon after a tenure-track or tenured line is vacated that a search can begin, and when it is feasible and appropriate to initiate new lines.

D. Vacant lines shall be returned to the Director’s office.

E. If reallocated to the Department and taking into consideration long- and short term priorities as identified in the strategic plan, the line may be retained within the same or related discipline and departmental division, or may be assigned to a new discipline or research specialty. The faculty shall decide by a vote of >50% majority. The staff shall vote affirmatively by a two-thirds majority on the same issue. The staff vote shall be advisory to the faculty. The faculty then decides by a vote of >50% on whether or not to start the search for that position. Any faculty vote is advisory to the Department Chair and the Museum Director.

F. Taking into consideration long- and short-term priorities as identified in the strategic plan, the faculty shall vote affirmatively by a two-thirds majority as to whether a new line shall be initiated. The staff shall vote affirmatively by a two- thirds majority on the same issue. The staff vote shall be advisory to the faculty. The faculty then votes by a vote of >50% on whether or not to start the search for that position. Any faculty vote is advisory to the Department Chair.

Section 2: Advertising the Position

A. The Museum’s Office of Budget and Human Resources shall assist the Search Committee with the necessary tasks required by the University’s Department of Human Resources, including approval of the advertisement and classification of the position.

B. The position shall be advertised in the major publications(written or electronic) relevant to the discipline related to the position.

Section 3: Initial Screening Process

A. The Search Committee shall review all applications, and establish a recommended priority pool of best-qualified applicants.

B. The priority list is circulated to faculty, staff, and graduate students at least three days prior to the faculty, staff, and graduate student meetings, so that they may review all of the files with particular attention to the priority pool.

C. The Search Committee, together with the Department Chair, shall convene three meetings (one faculty, one staff, one graduate student) to identify the top candidates to be invited for interviews. The staff and graduate student meetings must be held prior to the faculty meeting.

D. Voting procedures by the faculty for the identification of top candidates are outlined below in Section 5. Voting procedures by the staff for the identification of one top candidate are outlined in Section 6. Voting results from the staff meeting shall be presented at the faculty meeting by a staff representative. The staff vote shall count as one vote. Voting procedures by the graduate students for the identification of one top candidate are identified in Section 7. Voting results from the graduate student meeting shall be presented at the faculty meeting by a graduate student representative. The graduate student vote shall be advisory to the faculty. The final faculty vote is advisory to the Department Chair, who approves the short list, subject to approval by the Museum Director.

Section 4: Procedures for Selecting Candidates to Interview

A recommended short-list of candidates is determined through a process of discussion and voting as outlined below:

A. The initial priority pool is presented for consideration at the start of the meeting.

B. Discussion first considers whether any other applicant should be moved to the priority pool. If additional candidates are proposed for inclusion, then a vote (passed by >50% affirmative vote) determines whether such candidates should be added to the priority list.

C. Discussion ensues about each candidate in the priority pool, followed by voting.

Section 5: Voting Procedures for Faculty

A. Those who are unable to attend the faculty meeting may cast absentee ballots. Absentee ballots, ranking the candidates on the priority list, must be received in writing by the Search Committee Chair before the appropriate meeting.

B. Each eligible faculty member and external committee member votes for their top (one) candidate. The tally of these votes also includes the highest ranked candidate from each absentee ballot.

C. If one candidate receives >50% of the vote, his/her name is moved to the interview (short) list.

D. If no candidate receives >50% of the vote, then the candidate(s) with the lowest number of votes is/are removed from the voting list, and voting resumes at step B.

E. Every time a candidate is added to the interview list, a motion may be made to stop the voting process, so that no additional candidates are added to the interview list. A >50% affirmative vote for this motion determines whether voting proceeds or not.

F. All candidates in the original priority pool, who are not elevated to the interview list, are retained in the priority pool for reconsideration each time that voting resumes at step B.

G. When the interview list is complete, faculty may discuss and vote (>50% to pass)whether other candidates who did not make the interview list should still be considered in the event that no suitable hire is identified from the interview list, or whether the search should then be terminated and reopened.

H. A staff-appointed representative shall attend the faculty meeting to cast the staff’s vote during the first round of voting. Information from the staff meeting (e.g., the staff’s ranking of candidates) may be requested by faculty for consideration at any point during the faculty’s voting process.

I. A graduate student representative shall attend the faculty meeting to present the graduate students’ advisory vote during the first round of voting. Information from the graduate student meeting (e.g., their ranking of candidates) may be requested by faculty for consideration at any point during the faculty’s voting process.

J. Selected candidates are invited to come to the Museum for interviews and presentations. The Search Committee, with the assistance of the Department Administrative Assistant, is responsible for setting the agenda for the candidates visit, including any special meetings with faculty and staff, including external faculty and staff from other departments of the Museum and from appropriate University colleges or departments. At the conclusion of the interview process for the final invited candidate, a second set of meetings is held (following the procedures in Section 3C) to vote for the candidate to hire.

Section 6: Voting Procedures for Staff

A. Those who are unable to attend the staff meeting may cast absentee ballots. Absentee ballots, ranking the candidates on the priority list, must be received in writing by the Search Committee Chair before the appropriate meeting.

B. Each eligible staff member votes for their top (one) candidate. The tally of these votes also includes the highest ranked candidate from each absentee ballot.

C. Staff voting procedures follow those presented in Section 5, C-F.

D. When the interview list is complete, staff may discuss and vote (>50% to pass)whether other candidates who did not make the interview list should still be considered in the event that no suitable hire is identified from the interview list, or whether the search should then be terminated and reopened.

E. At the close of the staff meeting, a staff representative is appointed by those present to attend the faculty meeting. The staff vote counts as one vote. The staff representative casts one vote for the staff’s chosen candidate during the first round of voting.

Section 7: Voting Procedures for Graduate Students

A. Those who are unable to attend the graduate student meeting may cast absentee ballots. Absentee ballots, ranking the candidates on the priority list, must be received in writing by the Search Committee Chair before the appropriate meeting.

B. Each eligible graduate student votes for their top (one) candidate. The tally of these votes also includes the highest ranked candidate from each absentee ballot.

C. Graduate student voting procedures follow those presented in Section 5, C-F.

D. When the interview list is complete, the graduate students may discuss and vote(>50% to pass) whether other candidates who did not make the interview list should still be considered in the event that no suitable hire is identified from the interview list, or whether the search should then be terminated and reopened.

E. At the close of the graduate student meeting, a graduate student representative is appointed by those present to attend the faculty meeting. The graduate student vote is advisory. The graduate student representative announces the graduate students’ chosen candidate during the first round of voting.

Section 8: Procedures for Determining the Top Candidate for Hire

A. A second set of meetings (one faculty, one staff, one graduate student) is held no later than three days after the last interview to vote for the candidate to hire.

B. The voting procedure follows that indicated in the cyclical process outlined in Section 5, steps A-G, Section 6, step C, and Section 7, step C above. The candidate to whom the faculty/staff/graduate students recommend the offer be made must garner >50% of the vote. The staff vote counts as one vote and the graduate student vote is advisory during the first round of voting at the faculty meeting.

C. The faculty vote is advisory to the departmental head.

D. In the event that the candidate(s) is unacceptable to the departmental head, the departmental head shall request from the faculty the name(s) of another acceptable candidate(s), or the faculty’s decision to terminate and/or reopen the search. The Staff vote on these issues shall be considered as one vote by the faculty. The graduate students’ vote on these issues shall be considered as advisory by the faculty. The faculty vote is advisory to the departmental head.

Section 9: Procedures for Making an Offer to Hire

A. The departmental head shall present the faculty’s chosen candidate to the Museum Director.

B. Upon final approval by the Museum Director and subject to the approval of the University Provost, the Museum Director makes an offer to the chosen candidate.

C. In the event that the candidate(s) is unacceptable to the Museum Director, or declines the offer, the Museum Director shall request from the faculty the name(s) of another acceptable candidate(s), or the faculty’s decision to terminate and/or reopen the search.


Section 1: The Staff

A. The staff of the Museum shall consist of all line positions. These employees are of the rank of University Support Personnel System (USPS) or Technical, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Support (TEAMS). Staff may hold either a full-time or part-time line position, in the Museum. These staff members shall have voting rights as defined in these bylaws.

B. Other Personnel Services (OPS) employees are at the rank of regular OPS or OPS Student Assistants. The rights and privileges of regular OPS appointments shall be specified at the time of the appointment. Individuals with regular OPS appointments may not vote on Museum matters, including but not limited to, matters of policy and funding, or participate in Museum governance, with the exception of regular OPS staff in Exhibits and Public Programs. OPS Student Assistants shall not be granted any rights and privileges beyond those granted by the University, and may not vote on Museum matters.

Section 2: Staff Responsibilities

A. The responsibilities of the staff shall include:

  1. Responsibilities and duties as specified in individual job descriptions.
  2. General responsibilities related to being a UF USPS/TEAMS and OPS employee are regulated by the UF Department of Human Resources (UFDHR), and can be found at http://www.hr.ufl.edu/policies/default.htm.
  3. Adherence to museum best practices and standards as promulgated by the American Association of Museums, http://www.aam-us.org/aboutmuseums/standards/.

B. Staff also shall, if permitted under the terms of their hire and if approved by their immediate supervisors, departmental heads, and/or Museum Director, as appropriate:

  1. Assist in general Museum and departmental matters (including governance)by attending meetings, serving on committees, and voting (when permitted by the bylaws) on issues of concern to the Museum and the appropriate department.
  2. Educate UF students (both undergraduate and graduate) and others through teaching, supervising independent studies, and supervising thesis and dissertation research when appropriate.
  3. Serve on Museum, University and Community Partner committees.
  4. Comply with international, national, state, and local laws and regulations, including but not limited to those of the United States government, State of Florida, and University.
  5. Other services as needed.

Section 3: Staff Rights

A. General rights related to being a UF USPS/TEAMS and OPS employee are regulated by the UF Department of Human Resources (UFDHR), and can be found at http://www.hr.ufl.edu/policies/default.htm.

B. Staff members have the right to know what is required of them in their work. Staff members shall be provided with a statement of their responsibilities and duties, and shall have the right to consult on these responsibilities and duties with their supervisor.

C. Staff members have the right to know how their work shall be evaluated. USPS/TEAMS members shall be provided with the criteria by which they shall be evaluated upon initial appointment and annually thereafter. Regular OPS members shall be evaluated as deemed appropriate by their supervisor. If evaluated, regular OPS members shall be provided with the criteria by which they shall be evaluated in a timely manner prior to their evaluation. There is no formal evaluation of OPS student assistants.

D. All principles and procedures on which decisions regarding promotion, salaries, salary increases and evaluations are made and all results of those decisions shall be made known to the individual staff member in a timely manner. Staff members have the right to appeal such decisions consistent with applicable policies and procedures, in a timely manner. Records on these and other matters of staff interest shall be readily accessible and shall be given on the request of the individual as provided by law.

E. Pursuant to University policy, any staff member, upon his/her request, has the right to see any information about him/herself kept in any official files and has the right to reply in writing. These replies shall be placed in the individual’s official files.

F. Staff members have the right to participate in departmental and Museum staff meetings, and departmental and Museum meetings associated with their job responsibilities and duties.

G. Staff members have the right to participate on Museum-related committees if appointed by committee chairs, departmental heads, or the Museum Director, and approved by their immediate supervisor.

H. Staff members have the right to appoint one staff representative to attend faculty meetings as a non-voting member. Staff members have the right to appoint staff representative(s) to attend other special departmental meetings as voting or non- voting members as defined in the bylaws.

I. Staff members have the right to participate in and vote for departmental head appointments where appropriate, following procedures defined in the bylaws.

J. Staff members have the right to participate in and vote for faculty and USPS/TEAMS staff hires where appropriate, following procedures defined in the bylaws. Staff members have the right to participate in regular OPS hires where appropriate, following procedures defined by the search committees, the departmental heads, or the Museum Director.

K. Policy proposals may be generated by any staff member, standing committee, subcommittee, or ad hoc committee. Staff input into the development of any major departmental policies directly impacting staff responsibilities and duties shall be encouraged. Requests for staff input and response shall be coordinated by the Museum Director, appropriate departmental head, or appropriate departmental committee chair.

Section 4: Promotion

Promotion for all USPS/TEAMS staff is governed by the regulations and procedures established by the UF Department of Human Resources (UFDHR), and can be found at http://www.hr.ufl.edu/policies/prdpay.htm. Promotions may occur when an employee moves to a position with a higher pay grade, or when an employee’s current position is reclassified by UFDHR. Promotions do not always assure a raise in pay. Due to the nature of the definition and structure of OPS positions by the University, OPS personnel are not eligible for promotion.

Section 5: Staff and Special Departmental Meetings

A. At least four Museum staff meetings shall be scheduled during the regular academic year from August through May, or more often as needed.

B. At least six Exhibits and Public Programs staff meetings shall be scheduled on an annual basis, or more often as needed.

C. At least four Department of Natural History non-faculty staff meetings shall be scheduled during the regular academic year from August through May, or more often as needed. General departmental staff meetings, including both faculty and staff, may be scheduled as needed. One staff representative shall be appointed to attend departmental faculty meetings.

E. Special meetings may be called by the Museum Director or the departmental heads as needed.

F. Except in cases of emergencies, staff shall receive notice of meetings at least 48 hours in advance.

G. The agenda shall be set by the Museum Director or the appropriate departmental head.

H. The agenda shall include reports from departmental heads, and standing and ad hoc committees as needed.

I. The agenda shall include an opportunity for staff input during the meeting. Comments by any one individual shall be limited to agenda items, and to the amount of time set by the Meeting Chair prior to the start of the discussion.

J. There shall be an annual report to the staff regarding the state of the Museum and/or individual units including expenditures and budget.

K. The Museum Director or appropriate departmental head shall place policy proposals on the agenda for a staff or special meeting, or route the proposal to the appropriate committee.

ARTICLE VII: Staff Participation in Searches for Tenure-Track or Tenured Faculty

Staff participation in the faculty searches are governed by the rules and regulations set forth in ARTICLE V, Sections 1-7.

ARTICLE VIII: Searches for USPS/TEAMS and OPS Staff

Section 1: General Procedures for All Museum Departments

A. The recruitment and hiring procedures for all USPS/TEAMS and OPS staff is regulated by the UF Department of Human Resources (UFDHR), and can be found at http://www.hr.ufl.edu/managers/hiring.htm.

B. Searches for USPS/TEAMS staff shall be conducted by the immediate supervisor, departmental head, or Museum Director, in consultation with the Museum’s Office of Budget and Human Resources (BHR). In the Department of Exhibits and Public Programs, the hiring supervisor, in consultation with the department head, shall appoint a search committee. In the Department of Natural History, the appointment of a search committee is governed by the rules set forth in ARTICLE XXVIII. In the Director’s Office, the hiring supervisor, in consultation with the Museum Director, shall appoint a search committee when deemed necessary by the hiring supervisor or the Museum Director. For all Museum searches, members from other departments of the Museum and from appropriate University colleges or departments may serve on a search committee at the discretion of the hiring supervisor, the Search Committee chair, the departmental head, or the Museum Director. External committee members shall have the same voting privileges as Museum committee members for decisions regarding candidate interviews and recommended hires.

C. Searches for regular OPS staff are not required. The decision to conduct a search or not is at the discretion of the hiring supervisor, subject to the approval of the departmental head or the Museum Director. If no search committee is formed or if the decision is made not to conduct a search, the final decision of whom to hire is entirely at the discretion of the hiring supervisor, subject to the approval of the departmental head or the Museum Director.

D. Searches for OPS student assistants are not required. The decision of whom to hire is entirely at the discretion of the hiring supervisor.

E. Taking into consideration long and short-term priorities as identified in strategic planning, the faculty shall vote affirmatively by a two-thirds majority as to whether a vacated USPS/TEAMS position shall be retained within the same or related discipline and departmental division, or shall be assigned to a new discipline or research specialty, pending review of the vacant position by the Museum Director. Any faculty vote is advisory to the departmental head and the Museum Director.

F. For USPS/TEAMS positions, the departmental head, in consultation with the Museum Director, shall decide how soon after a line is vacated that a search may begin, and when it is feasible and appropriate to initiate new lines.

G. In the Department of Natural History, the faculty shall vote by two-thirds majority as to whether a vacated USPS/TEAMS line shall be retained within the same or related discipline and departmental division, or shall be assigned to a new discipline or research specialty, taking into consideration long and short-term priorities as identified in strategic planning. The faculty then votes by a vote of >50% on whether or not to start the search for that position. Any faculty vote is advisory to the departmental head.

H. For regular OPS staff positions, the immediate supervisor, in consultation with the departmental head when necessary, shall decide how soon after a position is vacated that it be refilled, and when it is feasible and appropriate to initiate new positions.

I. For OPS student assistants, the immediate supervisor shall decide how soon after a position is vacated that it be refilled, and when it is feasible and appropriate to initiate new positions.

J. References must be checked prior to extending a job offer. The hiring supervisor or Search Committee shall ensure that the final candidate at least meets the minimum criteria and experience required for the position vacancy.

K. The Museum’s Office of Budget and Human Resources (BHR) shall assist the Search Committee with the necessary tasks required by the UFDHR.

L. In addition to the requirements specified by the UFDHR, the Museum shall follow the procedures set forth in Sections 2 through 11 below.

Section 2: Writing/Updating the Position Description and Advertising the Position

A. If deemed necessary by the hiring supervisor, relevant departmental head, or Museum Director, a new or updated job description shall be written by the hiring supervisor or the Search Committee Chair, in consultation with BHR and the appropriate departmental head.

B. If deemed necessary by the hiring supervisor, relevant departmental head, or Museum Director, a position advertisement shall be written by the hiring supervisor or Search Committee chair.

C. If deemed necessary by the hiring supervisor, relevant departmental head, or Museum Director, the position shall be advertised in major publications (written or electronic) relevant to the discipline related to the position.

Section 3: Procedures for Hiring Staff for the Director’s Office

Staff for the Director’s Office are recruited and hired according to the procedures mandated by the UF Department of Human Resources (UFDHR).

Section 4 Initial Screening Process for the Department of Exhibits and Public Programs

A. The Search Committee shall review all applications, and establish a recommended priority pool of best-qualified applicants.

B. The Search Committee, in consultation with the departmental head, shall determine, on a search by search basis, what input other faculty and staff shall have in each search.

Section 5: Procedures for Selecting Candidates to Interview and Hire for the Department of Exhibits and Public Programs

A. Through discussion, the Search Committee seeks to arrive at a consensus on a list of preferred candidates.

B. The Search Committee, in consultation with the departmental head, shall determine, on a search by search basis, what opportunities other faculty and staff shall have to meet with the candidates.

C. Once the interviews of preferred candidates are completed, the Search Committee, by consensus, decides on a candidate to hire. In the event that no acceptable candidate is identified or that no consensus is reached, the Search Committee, in consultation with the departmental head, may decide to make a new list of preferred candidates from the available pool, or to terminate and/or reopen the search.

Section 6: Procedures for Making an Offer to Hire for the Department of Exhibits and Public Programs

A. The hiring supervisor shall present the committee’s chosen candidate to the appropriate department head.

B. Upon final approval by the appropriate department head, the hiring supervisor makes an offer to the chosen candidate.

C. In the event that the candidate(s) is unacceptable to the appropriate department head, or declines the offer, the hiring supervisor shall request from the Search Committee the name(s) of another acceptable candidate(s), or the committee’s decision to terminate and/or reopen the search.

Section 7: Initial Screening Process for the Department of Natural History

A. The Search Committee shall review all applications, and establish a recommended priority pool of best-qualified applicants.

B. The priority list is circulated to faculty and staff at least 3 days prior to the next Search Committee meeting, so that they can review all of the files with particular attention to the priority pool.

C. The Search Committee convenes a special meeting to identify the top candidates to be invited for interviews. If deemed necessary, two separate meetings may be called– one for faculty and one for staff. The voting process for the identification of top candidates is outlined below in Section 9. Any vote is advisory to the Search Committee, who approves the short list, subject to approval by the Department Chair.

Section 8: Procedures for Selecting Candidates to Interview for the Department of Natural History

A recommended short-list of candidates is determined through a process of discussion and voting as outlined below:

A. The initial priority pool is presented for consideration at the start of the meeting(s).

B. Discussion first considers whether any other applicant should be moved to the priority pool. If additional candidates are proposed for inclusion, then a vote (passed by >50% affirmative vote) determines whether such candidates should be added to the priority list.

C. Discussion ensues about each candidate in the priority pool, followed by voting.

Section 9: Voting Procedures for the Department of Natural History

A. Those who are unable to attend the meeting may cast absentee ballots. Absentee ballots, ranking the candidates on the priority list, must be received by the Search Committee Chair before the meeting(s).

B. Each eligible faculty and staff member votes for their top candidate. The tally of these votes also includes the highest ranked candidate from each absentee ballot.

C. If one candidate receives >50% of the vote, his/her name is moved to the interview (short) list.

D. If no candidate receives >50% of the vote, then the candidate(s) with the lowest number of votes is/are removed from the voting list, and voting resumes at step B.

E. Every time a candidate is added to the interview list, a motion may be made to stop the voting process, so that no additional candidates are added to the interview list. A >50% affirmative vote for this motion determines whether voting proceeds or not.

F. All candidates in the original priority pool, who are not elevated to the interview list, are retained in the priority pool for reconsideration each time that voting resumes at step B.

G. Any vote is advisory to the Search Committee, subject to approval by the Department Chair.

H. Selected candidates are invited to come to the Museum for interviews and presentations. The Search Committee, with the assistance of the Department Administrative Assistant, is responsible for setting the agenda for the candidates visit, including any special meetings with faculty and staff, and outside faculty and staff from other departments of the Museum and from appropriate University colleges or departments. At the conclusion of the interview process for the final invited candidate, a second meeting (or set of meetings) is held (following the procedures in Section 10 below) to vote for the candidate to hire.

Section 10: Procedures for Determining the Top Candidate for Hire for the Department of Natural History

A. The Search Committee convenes a meeting (or separate meetings– one of faculty, one of staff) no later than three days after the last interview to vote for the candidate to hire.

B. The voting procedure follows that indicated in the cyclical process outlined in Section 9 steps A-G above.

Section 11: Procedures for Making an Offer to Hire for the Department of Natural History

A. The Search Committee Chair shall present the chosen candidate to the Department Chair.

B. Upon final approval by the Department Chair, the hiring supervisor makes an offer to the chosen candidate.

C. In the event that the candidate(s) is unacceptable to the Department Chair, or declines the offer, the Department Chair shall request from the Search Committee the name(s) of another acceptable candidate(s), or the Search Committee’s decision to terminate and/or reopen the search.

ARTICLE IX: Staff Participation in the Selection of a Chair for the Department of Natural History

Departmental staff shall be permitted to participate in the selection of a Department Chair for Natural History as set forth in ARTICLE III, Section 8.

ARTICLE X: Museum-Wide Committees

Section 1: Authority

Museum committees shall carry out duties prescribed by the bylaws.

Section 2: General Rules

A. Committees shall meet as needed to carry out their duties.

B. Committees report to the Museum Director or his/her appointed representative.

C. Committees shall report on recent activities at monthly staff meeting as requested by Museum Director or departmental heads.

D. Chairs of standing committees may establish ad hoc committees to accomplish specific tasks.

Section 3: Standing Committees

A. Health and Safety

Section 4: Standing Committee Membership

A. The Museum Director shall appoint a standing committee chair.

B. The Committee Chair, in consultation with the Museum Director, shall assign members to the standing committee based on the needs for particular expertise, and in the interest of assuring that each Department of the Museum is represented on each committee. Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the Committee Chair, in consultation with the Museum Director or his/her appointed representative.

C. Each standing committee shall have at least one member of the faculty and one member of the staff as voting members.

D. Each Standing Committee Chair is responsible for calling meetings and reporting at monthly faculty/staff meetings, if so requested by the Museum administrator in charge of the meeting.

E. Committees may petition the Committee Chair, subsequent to the approval of the Museum Director or his/her appointed representative, to add or remove members. Members may be removed for lack of attendance, conflict of interest issues, conflicts with other committee members, or other reasons deemed applicable by the Committee Chair, other committee members, and/or the Museum Director or his/her appointed representative.

F. All committee members are voting members.

Section 5: Terms of Office for Standing Committees

A. All members shall serve for three years from the time they were appointed (including those members chosen to fill vacated positions), and may be re- appointed as often as needed.

B. Terms of individual members shall be staggered so that some seasoned members remain on the committee as new members rotate onto the committee.

C. Individuals chosen to serve on the committee may decline the request.

D. Members may resign from the committee by submitting their resignation in writing to the committee chair at any time. They may also decline re-appointment to a new term, verbally or in writing, if so desired.

Section 6: Ad Hoc Committees

A. Ad hoc committees may be established by standing committees or by the Museum Director. The committee shall report to and be accountable to the appointing body’s chair.

B. The charge and date of completion of the task must be designated in writing by the appointing body’s chair when the committee is established.

Section 7: Special Ad Hoc Committees

A. Bylaws Committee

B. Strategic Planning

Section 8: Ad Hoc Committee Membership

A. The Museum Director shall appoint an ad hoc committee chair.

B. The Committee Chair, subsequent to the approval of the Museum Director, shall assign members to the ad hoc committee based on the needs for particular expertise, and in the interest of assuring that each division of the Museum is represented on each committee. Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the Committee Chair.

C. Each ad hoc committee shall have at least one member of the faculty and one member of the staff as voting members.

D. Each Ad Hoc Committee Chair is responsible for calling meetings and reporting at monthly faculty/staff meetings, if so requested by the Museum administrator in charge of the meeting.

E. Committees may petition the Committee Chair, subsequent to the approval of the Museum Director, to add or remove members. Members may be removed for lack of attendance, conflict of interest issues, conflicts with other committee members, or other reasons deemed applicable by the Committee Chair, other committee members, and/or the Museum Director or his/her appointed representative.

F. All committee members are voting members.

Section 9: Terms of Office for Ad Hoc Committees

A. Terms of service for chairpersons and committee members shall begin as soon as the ad hoc committee is appointed.

B. Terms of service cease when the assigned task is completed.

C. Individuals chosen to serve on the committee may decline the request.

D. Members may resign from the committee by submitting their resignation in writing to the committee chair at any time.

ARTICLE XI: Standing Committee: Health and Safety (MHSC)

Section 1: Charge

The Museum Health and Safety Committee shall be responsible for organizing and overseeing any issues, projects, and tasks related to the health and safety of the Museum’s employees and collections.

Section 2: Duties

A. Organize and coordinate any tasks and projects related to Museum health and safety.

B. Formulate, update, monitor, and implement Museum policies related to health and safety issues (e.g., security, laboratory and shop safety, disaster preparedness).

C. Organize and attend safety training workshops and sessions (e.g., First Aid/CPR/AED, Fire Safety and Extinguisher Use, Violence in the Workplace). Train other Museum faculty and staff in issues related to health and safety as needed.

D. Review arising issues related to the health and safety of the Museum’s employees and collections (e.g., accident reports, worker’s compensation incidents).

E. Serve as liaison between the Museum and the University Department of Environmental Health and Safety (UF EH&S).

F. Arrange for annual training (e.g., Hazardous Waste Training) and inspection (e.g., laboratory safety surveys) by UF EH&S.

G. Serve as liaison between the Museum and the University Pest Control Auxiliary Management.

H. Assist Museum faculty and staff with issues related to pest control, especially fumigation.

I. Assign building emergency coordinators for the Museum.

J. Assist Museum faculty and staff with emergency/disaster preparations (e.g.,preparing for approaching storms and other natural disasters).

K. Serve as coordinator and Museum representative during disaster recovery operations.

Section 3: Membership

A. See Article X, Section 4.

Section 4: Terms of Office

See Article X, Section 5.

ARTICLE XII: Special Ad Hoc Committee: Bylaws Committee

Section 1: Charge

The Bylaws Committee shall be responsible for drafting the bylaws and any amendments thereto after initial adoption of the bylaws.

Section 2: Duties

A. Review bylaws annually or as necessary for consistency and congruity.

B. Receive and make recommendations for appropriate changes.

Section 3: Membership

A. See Article X, Section 8.

B. The Bylaws Committee shall consist of the Museum Director or his/her appointed representative, at least one staff member from the Director’s Office, Department of Natural History Chair or his/her appointed representative, Department of Natural History’s representatives to the University Faculty Senate, at least one Department of Natural History faculty member, at least one Department of Natural History staff member, Head of Exhibits and Public Programs or his/her appointed representative, and at least one staff member from the Department of Exhibits and Public Programs.

Section 4: Terms of Office

See Article X, Section 9.

ARTICLE XIII: Special Ad Hoc Committee: Museum Strategic Planning Committee

Section 1: Charge

The Museum Strategic Planning Committee shall be responsible for the development of a five-year plan with short- and long-term objectives. This plan shall reflect the four core principles on which the Museum’s mission is based: collections, research, education, and serving the public trust. These principles shall be incorporated into this plan along with the Museum’s goals for providing higher education to the University community, development of exhibits, public education through diverse programs and learning opportunities, institutional and staff development, information technology, and public relations and visitor services.

Section 2: Duties

A. Review arising issues within the Museum during the preceding five years.

B. Collate plans developed by the other branches of the Museum into one comprehensive plan.

C. Formulate, update and develop the five-year Strategic Plan

Section 3: Membership

See Article X, Section 8.

Section 4: Terms of Office

See Article X, Section 9.

ARTICLE XIV: Department of Exhibits and Public Programs Committees

Section 1: Authority

The departmental committees shall carry out duties prescribed by the bylaws.

Section 2: General Rules

A. Committees shall meet as needed to carry out their duties.

B. Committees shall report on recent activities at each monthly staff meeting.

C. Chairs of standing committees may establish adhoc committees to accomplish specific tasks.

D. All meetings require the creation of an agenda.

Section 3: Standing Committees

A. Managers Committee

B. Exhibits Committee

C. Public Programs and Openings Committee

Section 4: Standing Committee Membership

A. The Head of Exhibits and Public Programs shall assign members to standing committees based on the preferences of staff, needs for particular expertise, and interest in assuring that each division within the Department (i.e. Exhibits, Visitor Services, Education, etc.) is represented on each committee. Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the Head of Exhibits and Public Programs, as appropriate.

B. Once a standing committee has been appointed, members shall appoint a committee chair or the Head of Exhibits and Public Programs may appoint a chair. Each Standing Committee Chair is responsible for calling meetings and reporting at monthly staff meetings.

C. Committees may petition the Head of Exhibits and Public Programs to add or remove members. Members may be removed for lack of attendance, conflict of interest issues, conflicts with other committee members, or other reasons deemed applicable by the Committee Chair, other committee members, and/or the Head of Exhibits and Public Programs.

D. All committee members are voting members.

Section 5: Terms of Office for Standing Committees

A. Terms of service for chairpersons and committee members shall be designated by the Head of Exhibits and Public Programs.

B. Individuals chosen to serve on the committee may decline the request.

C. Members may resign from the committee by submitting their resignation in writing to the committee chair at any time. They also may decline re-appointment to a new term, verbally or in writing, if so desired.

Section 6: Ad Hoc Committees

A. Ad hoc committees may be established by standing committees or by the Head of Exhibits and Public Programs. The committee shall report to and be accountable to the appointing body’s chair.

B. The charge and date of completion of the task must be designated in writing by the appointing body’s chair when the committee is established.

Section 7: Special Ad Hoc Committees

A. The Exhibits and Public Programs ad hoc committees are usually project based, and are often related to specific exhibits or programs.

B. Strategic Planning Committee

Section 8: Ad Hoc Committee Membership

A. The manner in which members shall be selected and vacancies filled must be designated by the appointing body’s chair when the committee/task force is established.

B. Once a committee has been appointed, the members shall appoint a committee chair or the appointing body’s chair may appoint a chair. The Ad Hoc Committee Chair is responsible for calling meetings and reporting to the appointing body’s chair.

C. Committees may petition the appointing body’s chair to add or remove members. Members may be removed for lack of attendance, conflict of interest issues, conflicts with other committee members, or other reasons deemed applicable by the Committee Chair, other committee members, and/or the appointing body’s chair.

D. All committee members are voting members.

Section 9: Terms of Office for Ad Hoc Committees

A. Terms of service for chairpersons and committee members shall begin as soon as the ad hoc committee is appointed.

B. Terms of service cease when the assigned task is completed.

C. Individuals chosen to serve on the committee may decline the request.

D. Members may resign from the committee by submitting their resignation in writing to the committee chair at any time.

ARTICLE XV: Standing Committee: Managers Committee (MC)

Section 1: Charge

The Managers Committee (MC) shall meet with the Head of Exhibits and Public Programs to address projects, programs, and challenges relating to the administration of the Department of Exhibits and Public Programs.

Section 2: Duties

A. Contribute to policy decisions as requested by the Head of Exhibits and Public Programs.

B. Assist in decision-making about budgetary issues including revenue generation and expenditures.

C. Review arising issues and requests relating to the overall administration of Exhibits and Public Programs, making recommendations to the Head of Exhibits and Public Programs or the committee chairs of the Exhibits or Public Programs and Openings Committees.

D. Gather and provide data about attendance, revenue, and visitor experience for planning.

E. Direct and evaluate all exhibits and public programs in accordance with the strategic plan.

Section 3: Membership

A. See Article XIV, Section 4.

B. The MC shall consist of at least one manager from each of the following divisions: Education, Exhibits, Visitor Services, Administration, Operations, and Public Relations/Marketing.

Section 4: Terms of Office

See Article XIV, Section 5.

ARTICLE XVI: Standing Committee: Exhibits Committee (EC)

Section 1: Charge

The Exhibits Committee (EC) shall be responsible for making recommendations about exhibition issues (both permanent and temporary).

Section 2: Duties

A. Recommend how to improve or maintain permanent exhibits.

B. Research, select and schedule temporary exhibits.

C. Suggest and select (using input from advisory processes) ideas for new Museum traveling exhibits, and participate in exhibit planning processes as required.

D. Assist with exhibit sponsorship activities.

E. Assist with exhibit marketing activities.

F. Coordinate with other Exhibits and Public Programs divisions on logistics related to exhibit programming.

G. Contribute to policy decisions as requested by Committee Chair or Head ofExhibits and Public Programs.

H. Assist in decision-making about any exhibit matter brought to the Committee by the Committee Chair or Head of Exhibits and Public Programs.

I. Direct and evaluate all exhibits and public programs in accordance with the strategic plan.

Section 3: Membership

A. See Article XIV, Section 4.

B. The EC shall consist of at least one member from each of the following divisions: Education, Exhibits, Visitor Services, Administration, Operations, Development, Public Relations/Marketing, and a faculty member from the Department of Natural History.

Section 4: Terms of Office

See Article XIV, Section 5.

ARTICLE XVII: Standing Committee: Public Programs and Openings Committee (PPOC)

Section 1: Charge

The Public Programs and Openings Committee (PPOC) shall be responsible for coordinating the logistics of and informing the Museum about upcoming Exhibits and Public Program events, exhibits, and openings.

Section 2: Duties

A. Discuss logistics for upcoming events, including scheduling, set-up, staffing, graphics, and ideas for gift shop items.

B. Provide a forum for questions and ideas concerning the development, marketing, and implementation of new and existing events and programming.

C. Develop a plan for addressing issues that may arise from programs and events.

Section 3: Membership

A. See Article XIV, Section 4.

B. The PPOC shall consist of at least one member from each of the following divisions: Education, Exhibits, Visitor Services, Fabrication, Development, Public Relations/Marketing, and the Head of Exhibits and Public Programs.

Section 4: Terms of Office

See Article XIV, Section 5.

ARTICLE XVIII: Special Ad Hoc Committee: Departmental Strategic Planning Committee

Section 1: Charge

The Departmental Strategic Planning Committee shall be responsible for the development of a five-year plan with short- and long-term objectives. This plan shall reflect the four core principles on which the Museum’s mission is based: collections, research, education, and serving the public trust. These principles shall be incorporated into this plan along with the Museum’s goals for providing higher education to the University community, development of exhibits, public education through diverse programs and learning opportunities, institutional and staff development, information technology, and public relations and visitor services.

Section 2: Duties

A. Gather and provide data from various divisions within the Department.

B. Review arising issues and requests related to exhibits and public programs during the preceding five years.

C. Formulate, update and develop the five-year Strategic Plan.

Section 3: Membership

A. See Article XIV, Section 8.

B. Membership shall consist of at least one staff member from each division within the Department, including, but not limited to, the Assistant Director of Exhibits, Assistant Director of Education, Coordinator of Operations, Business Services Manager, and the Assistant Director of Marketing and Public Relations.

Section 4: Terms of Office

See Article XIV, Section 9.

ARTICLE XIX: Department of Natural History Committees

Section 1: Authority

The departmental committees shall carry out duties prescribed by the bylaws.

Section 2: General Rules

A. Committees shall meet as needed to carry out their duties.

B. Committees shall report on recent activities at each monthly faculty and collections managers’ meeting.

C. Chairs of standing committees may establish ad hoc committees to accomplish specific tasks.

D. A quorum is two-thirds majority of the committee members.

Section 3: Standing Committees

A. Collections and Space Committee

B. Informatics Committee

C. Bulletin Committee

D. University Teaching Committee

E. Outreach Committee

F. Seminar Committee

Section 4: Standing Committee Membership

A. Each faculty member shall provide a list to the Department Chair of committees on which he/she wishes to serve.

B.The Department Chair shall assign members to standing committees based on the preferences of each faculty, on needs for particular expertise, and in the interest of assuring that each division of the Department (Anthropology, Neontology, Paleontology) is represented on each committee. Representatives from the Department of Exhibits and Public Programs may be appointed to committees as appropriate. Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the Department Chair.

C. Each faculty member shall ideally serve on only one standing committee at a time.

D. Each standing committee shall have at least one member of the staff as a voting member, except for the Departmental Advisory Committee.

E. Once a standing committee has been appointed, the members shall appoint a committee chair or the Department Chair may appoint a chair. Each Standing Committee Chair is responsible for calling meetings and reporting at monthly faculty meetings. One member (not necessarily the Committee Chair) of each standing committee shall report at monthly collections managers’ meetings.

F. Committees may petition the Department Chair to add or remove members. Members may be removed for lack of attendance, conflict of interest issues, conflicts with other committee members, or other reasons deemed applicable by the Committee Chair, other committee members, and/or the Department Chair.

G. All committee members are voting members.

Section 5: Terms of Office for Standing Committees

A. Terms of service for chairpersons and committee members shall begin on Sept. 1.

B. All members shall serve for three years from the time they were appointed (including those members chosen to fill vacated positions), and may be re-appointed as often as needed.

C. Individuals chosen to serve on the committee may decline the request.

D. Members may resign from the committee by submitting their resignation in writing to the committee chair at any time. They also may decline re-appointment to a new term, verbally or in writing, if so desired.

E. Terms of individual members shall be staggered so that some seasoned members remain on the committee as new members rotate onto the committee.

Section 6: Ad Hoc Committees

A. Ad hoc committees may be established by standing committees, by the Department Chair, or by a two-thirds majority affirmative vote of the faculty present at a faculty meeting. The committee shall report to and be accountable to the appointing body’s chair.

B. The charge and date of completion of the task must be designated in writing by the appointing body’s chair when the committee is established.

Section 7: Special Ad Hoc Committees

A. Nominating Committee

B. Faculty Search Committee

C. Staff Search Committee

D. Strategic Planning Committee

Section 8: Ad Hoc Committee Membership

A. The manner in which members shall be selected and vacancies filled must be designated by the appointing body’s chair when the committee/task force is established.

B. Once a committee has been appointed, the members shall appoint a committee chair or the appointing body’s chair may appoint a chair. The Ad Hoc Committee Chair is responsible for calling meetings and reporting to the appointing body’s chair.

C. Committees may petition the appointing body’s chair to add or remove members. Members may be removed for lack of attendance, conflict of interest issues, conflicts with other committee members, or other reasons deemed applicable by the Committee Chair, other committee members, and/or the appointing body’s chair.

D. All committee members are voting members.

Section 9: Terms of Office for Ad Hoc Committees

A. Terms of service for chairpersons and committee members shall begin as soon as the ad hoc committee is appointed.

B. Terms of service cease when the assigned task is completed.

C. Individuals chosen to serve on the committee may decline the request.

D. Members may resign from the committee by submitting their resignation in writing to the committee chair at any time.

ARTICLE XX: Standing Committee: Collections and Space Committee (CSC)

Section 1: Charge

The Collections and Space Committee (CSC) shall review and make recommendations on all issues governed by collections and space policies.

Section 2: Procedures

A. Decisions regarding Department collections and space issues shall be made in compliance with the Museum Collections Policy.

B. Committee recommendations are reviewed and modified (if needed) by the Department Chair and (when relevant) the Museum Director.

C. Committee recommendations must be approved by a two-thirds majority affirmative vote of eligible voting faculty.

Section 3: Duties

A. Formulate, update, monitor, and implement the Museum’s collections policy.

B. Formulate, update, monitor, and implement the Department’s space policy.

C. Review arising issues and requests on collections and space (including acquisitions of large collections and requests for flex space) and make recommendations according to collections and space policies.

D. Gather and provide data about collections and space for planning.

E. Plan and facilitate efforts for collections and space improvement.

F. Identify new space (such as offsite storage).

Section 4: Membership

A. See Article XIX, Section 4.

B. The CSC shall consist of at least one member from each of the following groups: collection managers, McGuire Center curators, natural science curators, and anthropology curators.

Section 5: Terms of Office

See Article XIX, Section 5.

ARTICLE XXI: Standing Committee: Informatics Committee (IC)

Section 1: Charge

The Informatics Committee (IC) shall be responsible for making recommendations on how to improve informatics and database management within the Department.

Section 2: Duties

A. Review all requests for new collections database computers and servers.

B. Evaluate the database needs of each range, and rank database programming priorities of each ranges.

C. Develop a plan for solving the long-term database needs of the Department.

D. Research mechanisms for obtaining funding for database work.

E. Supervise the activities of any Department Collections Database Programmer.

F. Provide recommendations for centralized hardware and software infrastructure to serve the Department’s informatics needs.

G. Act as a liaison with the Museum’s Office of Museum Technology.

Section 3: Membership

A. See Article XIX, Section 4.

B. The IC shall consist of one member from each division of the Department (Anthropology, Neontology, Paleontology), at least one collections manager, one representative from the Office of Museum Technology, and anyone else deemed to have expertise useful to this Committee.

Section 4: Terms of Office

See Article XIX, Section 5.

ARTICLE XXII: Standing Committee: Bulletin Committee (BC)

Section 1: Charge

The Bulletin Committee (BC) shall be responsible for publishing the Bulletin of the Museum.

Section 2: Duties

A. Set policies for the content and style of the Bulletin.

B. Select editors as needed for each volume.

C. Manage the finances of the Bulletin.

D. Help find qualified reviewers and review manuscripts as needed.

E. Work with the University Libraries to secure annual funding and distribute issues.

F. Work with the copy editor on quality control, and to publish in a timely manner.

G. Fundraising as applicable.

Section 3: Duties of the Volume Editor

A. Identify reviewers and send out manuscripts for review.

B. Evaluate reviews and make decisions about whether manuscripts should be accepted.

C. Correspond with the authors.

D. Review galley proofs in a timely manner.

Section 4: Membership

A. See Article XIX, Section 4.

B. The Committee Chair is designated as the Editor-in-Chief, and is chosen as described in Article XIX, Section 4E.

C. The BC shall consist of one member from each division of the Department (Anthropology, Neontology, Paleontology), and at least one collections manager.

Section 5: Terms of Office

See Article XIX, Section 5.

ARTICLE XXIII: Standing Committee: Outreach Committee (OC)

Section 1: Charge

The Outreach Committee (OC) shall serve as the liaison between the departments of Collections and Research and Exhibits and Public Programs.

Section 2: Duties

A. Work with staff from Exhibits and Public Programs to create innovative exhibits.

B. Identify opportunities to work on joint research/public education projects.

C. Develop special projects that have a strong outreach component.

Section 3: Membership

A. See Article XIX, Section 4.

B. The OC shall consist of one member from each division of the Department (Anthropology, Neontology, Paleontology), at least one collections manager, and one representative from the Department of Exhibits and Public Programs.

Section 4: Terms of Office

See Article XIX, Section 5.

ARTICLE XXIV: Standing Committee: University Teaching Committee (UTC)

Section 1: Charge

The University Teaching Committee (UTC) shall be responsible for all issues pertaining to teaching done by our faculty and staff at the University, and to all issues related to graduate student training.

Section 2: Duties

A. Evaluate all requests by other academic departments for assistance with teaching.

B. Solicit and evaluate proposals for the Austin and Bullen awards.

C. Consider ways of improving the academic environment and education of graduate students at the Museum.

Section 3: Membership

A. See Article XIX, Section 4.

B. The UTC shall consist of one member from each division of the Department (Anthropology, Neontology, Paleontology), at least one collections manager, one graduate student currently serving in some capacity at the Museum, and one representative from the Museum’s Department of Exhibits and Public Programs as needed.

Section 4: Terms of Office

See Article XIX, Section 5.

ARTICLE XXV: Standing Committee: Seminar Committee (SC)

Section 1: Charge

The Seminar Committee (SC) shall be responsible for coordinating the Museum seminar series, including any special seminars.

Section 2: Procedures

A. The Museum seminars may be scheduled once a month, during the semester and also as desired when classes are out of session.

B. The Museum seminars will feature faculty and staff from the museum, as well as UF faculty from other departments and colleges and visiting museum scientists.

C. A faculty member being considered for tenure and/or promotion shall present a seminar before consideration for this advancement.

D. As time allows, student recipients of Museum awards (e.g., the Austin and Bullen awards) should be encouraged to present a seminar after they receive an award.

Section 3: Duties

A. Recruit and coordinate speakers.

B. Facilitate speaker’s travel arrangements when required.

C. Arrange for the seminar room, and ensure that it is properly set up.

D. Introduce speaker or find host to introduce speaker.

E. Enlist the assistance of the Department Administrative Assistant to help with these duties.

Section 4: Membership

A. See Article XIX, Section 4.

B. The SC shall consist of one member from each division of the Department (Anthropology, Neontology, Paleontology), and at least one collections manager. One graduate student shall be appointed to the Committee at the discretion of the Committee Chair and other members.

Section 5: Terms of Office

See Article XIX, Section 5.

ARTICLE XXVI: Special Ad Hoc Committee: Nominating Committee

Section 1: Charge

The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for any offices to be filled.

Section 2: Duties

A. Prepare a slate of candidates for the offices to be filled.

B. The faculty must be notified of the slate of candidates at least one week prior to the election.

C. Prepare and provide a ballot to the Department Administrative Assistant.

D. Results of the election shall be posted as soon as possible.

Section 3: Membership

See Article XIX, Section 8.

Section 4: Terms of Office

See Article XIX, Section 9.

ARTICLE XXVII: Special Ad Hoc Committee: Faculty Search Committee

Section 1: Charge

The Faculty Search Committee shall conduct searches for qualified faculty in accordance with current University rules.

Section 2: Duties

A. Conduct searches for qualified faculty.

B. With the assistance of the Museum’s Office of Budget and Human Resources, write the advertisement for the position.

C. With the assistance of the Department Administrative Assistant, post the advertisement in appropriate publications and electronic media.

D. Screen applicants based on their qualifications.

E. With the assistance of the Department Administrative Assistant, notify the applicants who do not meet the minimum qualifications for the position.

F. With the assistance of the Department Administrative Assistant, make search packets available to faculty and staff for review.

G. Review candidate files and prepare the priority list.

H. With the assistance of the Department Administrative Assistant, carry out any necessary correspondence with candidates that are eliminated after preparation of the priority list.

I. With the assistance of the Department Administrative Assistant, carry out any necessary correspondence with candidates chosen for interviews.

J. Upon recommendation of the faculty, assist the Department Chair during the interview process.

K. Close the search and inform candidates of this action.

Section 3: Membership

A. See Article XIX, Section 8.

B. The Search Committee shall consist of at least three faculty members and one staff member appointed by the Department Chair. The Search Committee Chair shall be appointed from within the committee membership (only faculty of the hiring department are eligible to serve as committee chair). The Department Chair will serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member.

C. External faculty members (faculty and/or staff from other departments of the Museum and appropriate University colleges or departments) may be appointed to the Committee, at the discretion of the Department Chair. External committee members have the same voting privileges as relevant departmental faculty committee members for decisions regarding candidate interviews and recommended hires.

Section 4: Terms of Office

See Article XIX, Section 9.

ARTICLE XXVIII: Special Ad Hoc Committee: Staff Search Committee

Section 1: Charge

The Staff Search Committee shall conduct searches for qualified staff in accordance with current University rules.

Section 2: Duties

A. Conduct searches for qualified staff.

B. With the assistance of the Museum’s Office of Budget and Human Resources, write the advertisement for the position.

C. With the assistance of the Department Administrative Assistant, post the advertisement in appropriate publications and electronic media.

D. Screen applicants based on his/her qualifications.

E. With the assistance of the Department Administrative Assistant, notify the applicants who do not meet the minimum qualifications for the position.

F. With the assistance of the Department Administrative Assistant, make search packets available to the staff and faculty for review.

G. With the assistance of the Department Administrative Assistant, carry out any necessary correspondence with candidates chosen for interviews.

H. Upon recommendation of the staff and faculty, assist the Department Chair during the interview process.

I. Close the search and inform candidates of this action.

Section 3: Membership

A. See Article XIX, Section 8.

B. The Search Committee shall consist of the position supervisor, at least one faculty member from within the relevant division (if the position supervisor is not faculty), and one staff member from outside of the relevant division. The Chair of the Search Committee shall be the position supervisor. The Department Chair will serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member.

C. External members (either from other Museum departments, from within or from outside the University) may be appointed to the Committee, and, if so appointed, shall be eligible to vote.

Section 4: Terms of Office

See Article XIX, Section 9.

ARTICLE XXIX: Special Ad Hoc Committee: Departmental Strategic Planning Committee

Section 1: Charge

The Departmental Strategic Planning Committee shall be responsible for the development of a five-year plan with short- and long-term objectives. This plan shall reflect the four core principles on which the Museum’s mission is based: collections, research, education, and serving the public trust. These principles shall be incorporated into this plan along with the Museum’s goals for providing higher education to the University community, development of exhibits, public education through diverse programs and learning opportunities, institutional and staff development, information technology, and public relations and visitor services.

Section 2: Duties

A. Gather data from faculty and staff through surveys across the Department, to determine the current state and major needs of the collections, research, education, and outreach.

B. Set goals and objectives for the next five years based on the Museum’s (1) mission statement, (2) core principles, (3) recommendations regarding progress made toward goals and lessons learned from the last five-year strategic plan, and (4) data obtained through the aforementioned surveys, with consideration of new directions and opportunities, as well as limitations of resources.

C. Formulate, update and develop the five-year strategic plan.

Section 3: Membership

A. See Article XIX, Section 8.

B. Membership shall consist of at least one faculty member from each division within the Department (Anthropology, Neontology, Paleontology), and at least one collections manager.

Section 4: Terms of Office

See Article XIX, Section 9.

ARTICLE XXX: Adoption of the Bylaws

The Bylaws Committee in consultation with the departmental heads and the Museum Director shall call a special meeting of the faculty and staff to discuss the draft bylaws. A final draft of the bylaws shall be prepared and provided to all members of the faculty and staff. No earlier than two weeks and no later than four weeks after dissemination of the final draft, a vote of the faculty by written ballot shall be conducted to adopt or reject the bylaws. Adoption of these bylaws shall require the affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of eligible voting faculty and staff as defined in these bylaws.

ARTICLE XXXI: Effective Date

These bylaws shall become effective upon written notice from the office of the Museum Director. Such notice must be given within two weeks after the date that the bylaws have been adopted. The provisions of these bylaws shall not be used to change personnel assignments at the time of its adoption. Those assignments shall be made consistent with the bylaws the first time a normal vacancy occurs.


Amendments to the bylaws may be suggested by the Ad Hoc Bylaws Committee, Museum Director, departmental heads, or any faculty or staff member. Written notice and the text of the proposed amendments shall be sent to the faculty and staff at least one month prior to the meeting at which such action is to be taken. The bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the eligible voting faculty and staff. Amendments shall be effective when written notice of the adopted changes is sent from the Ad Hoc Bylaws Committee to all Museum faculty and staff. Such notice must be given within two weeks after the date the amendments have been adopted.

Adopted by the Museum Faculty and Staff: 01/17/08

Adopted by the Museum Director: 01/31/08


Legislative Mandate for the Florida Museum of Natural History

State of Florida Statute §1004.56

The functions of the Florida Museum of Natural History, located at the University of Florida, are to make scientific investigations toward the sustained development of natural resources and a greater appreciation of human cultural heritage, including, but not limited to, biological surveys, ecological studies, environmental impact assessments, in-depth archaeological research, and ethnological analyses, and to collect and maintain a depository of biological, archaeological, and ethnographic specimens and materials in sufficient numbers and quantities to provide within the state and region a base for research on the variety, evolution, and conservation of wild species; the composition, distribution, importance, and functioning of natural ecosystems; and the distribution of prehistoric and historic archaeological sites and an understanding of the aboriginal and early European cultures that occupied them. State institutions, departments, and agencies may deposit type collections from archaeological sites in the Museum, and it shall be the duty of each state institution, department, and agency to cooperate by depositing in the Museum voucher and type biological specimens collected as part of the normal research and monitoring duties of its staff and to transfer to the Museum those biological specimens and collections in its possession but not actively being curated or used in the research or teaching of that institution, department, or agency. The Florida Museum of Natural History is empowered to accept, preserve, maintain, or dispose of these specimens and materials in a manner which makes each collection and its accompanying data available for research and use by the staff of the Museum and by cooperating institutions, departments, agencies, and qualified independent researchers. In addition, the Museum shall develop exhibitions and conduct programs which illustrate, interpret, and explain the natural history of the state and region and shall maintain a library of publications pertaining to the work as herein provided. The exhibitions, collections, and library of the Museum shall be open, free to the public, under suitable rules to be promulgated by the director of the Museum and approved by the University of Florida.


Institutes, Centers, and Programs of the Florida Museum of Natural History

Center for Informal Science Education

Institute for Early Contact Period Studies

McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity


Job Description of the Department of Natural History Assistant to the Chair:

The Department of Natural History Assistant to the Chair serves as an administrative assistant to the Department Chair. This person is responsible for assisting the Department Chair in his/her duties (e.g., attending administrative meetings, preparing reports, acting as arbitrator, supervising personnel) and carrying out duties, projects and tasks as assigned by the Department Chair.

Duties of the Department of Natural History Assistant to the Chair include, but are not limited to:

a. Prepare sections of the Museum’s Annual Report devoted to Research and Collections.

b. Act as liaison between the staff and Department and Museum administrators.

c. Represent staff or the Department at Department and Museum staff and committee meetings as requested by the Department Chair and Museum Director.

d. Represent the Department when the Chair is out of town, including attending the Museum Advisory Committee meetings.

e. Serve as the Department’s accountable officer for Department property.

f. Supervise all personnel responsible for buildings and maintenance, including, but not limited to, the Dickinson Facilities Manager.

g. Serve on the Museum’s Health and Safety Committee, including acting as liaison between the Museum Director and the University Division of Environmental Health and Safety.

h. Assist with special projects and/or write Department and Museum policies as requested by the Department Chair or Museum Director.

i. Serve as mediator in disputes between staff and faculty, or between staff and Department or Museum administrators.

j. Assist and act as liaison on other projects or administrative duties as may be required by the Department Chair or the Museum Director.

Job Description of the Department of Natural History Administrative Assistant:

The Department of Natural History Administrative Assistant serves as the assistant to the Department of Natural History Department Chair and faculty. This person is responsible for organizing and running the Department of Natural History administrative office, and carrying out duties and tasks as assigned by the Department Chair.

Duties of the Department of Natural History Administrative Assistant include, but are not limited to:

a. Advise chair on general operations and Department history.

b. Draft routine correspondence and reports as needed.

c. Assist Chair with planning annual operating budget by providing history of recurring expenditures, pending commitments and projected expenditures.

d. Handle initial employment applications for all new Department OPS/FWS. Notify Museum’s Office of Human Resources of changes in appointments (i.e. extensions, terminations, change in hours, accounts, rates). Distribute and collect time cards, and check for accuracy and correct any discrepancies with employee. Serve as back-up authorized manager and approver for entering departmental OPS hours and processing approvals in PeopleSoft for payroll. Distribute W-2 forms.

e. Assemble and coordinate confidential information for Annual Faculty Evaluations and Assignment of Duties, and maintain confidential faculty files.

f. Assist with applications and nominations for sabbatical and professional development leave, UF Research Foundation Professorships, and other departmental positions.

g. Assist in preparation of tenure and promotion, and Senior Faculty Pay Plan packets.

h. Coordinate administrative details of departmental searches for tenure-track positions including arranging travel and scheduling.

i. Assist Managing Bulletin Editor with budgets and general operations of the Bulletin.

j. Take notes, prepare minutes and agendas for faculty meetings, and assist Chair with follow-up/action items.

k. Assist the Department Chair and coordinate other administrative activities and duties as may be required.


Voting and Non-Voting Faculty

Voting Faculty Non-Voting Faculty
Museum Director( when assigned as tenured
accruing position)
Non-tenured accruing assistants, associates,
Associate Director for Museum Operations (when
assigned as tenured accruing position)
Special appointments– Adjunct, affiliate, courtesy,
provisional, research, emeritus, or visiting faculty
and scholars
Assistant Director and Head for Exhibits and Public
Programs (when assigned as tenured accruing
Associate Scientist & Program Director for the
Center for Informal Science Education (when
assigned as tenured accruing position)
Assistant Director and Chair for the Department of
Natural History (when assigned as a tenured
accruing position
Department of Natural History tenured-accruing
faculty positions (Assistant curators, associate
curators, curators, distinguished professors,
graduate research professors, and eminent scholars)
Scientist and Program Director for the McGuire
Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity (when
assigned as a tenured accruing position)


Download Florida Museum of Natural History Bylaws