Hypanus sabinus
(Lesueur 1824)
Family Dasyatidae

A full-body view of the Atlantic Stingray
The Atlantic Stingray pictured above was collected in Florida from a Brevard County Indian River drainage in 2014. It is now a specimen in the Florida Museum ichthyology collection, UF 187940. Florida Museum photo by Zachary Randall

The Atlantic stingray is a member of the whiptail stingray family and is a flattened, rhomboid-shaped disc. It has a venomous spine with serrated tip and is a marine species that inhabits surf zones and estuaries, as well as sandy bottoms of large rivers and soft-substrate inland habitats.

Status & distribution

  • Status — Marine invader
  • Florida Distribution — Western and North Central, South Florida and Atlantic Coast
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Similar Species

  • The bluntnose stingray, Hypanus say