What is birdwatching? 

Birdwatching, also known as birding, is a recreational activity that involves observing and identifying birds in their natural habitat. Birdwatchers often use binoculars and identification apps to help identify different bird species and to learn about their behavior, habitat, and distribution. 

Why bird watch? 

Birds are sensitive indicators of the health of the environment. Because birds are at the top of the food chain and are present in a wide range of ecosystems, they are often the first to show signs of environmental change. By observing and documenting bird populations, bird watchers can help track changes in the environment and provide valuable data to conservationists. 

How do I birdwatch? 

Get the right equipment: Invest in a good pair of binoculars and download an identification app to help you identify the birds you see. 

Some apps that you can use include Merlin Bird ID or iINaturalist. Scientists often use these citizen-powered databases to help gauge population health. 

Choose a location: Find a nearby park, nature reserve, or other natural area where you can observe birds. Consider the time of day and the season as this depends on the species of birds seen. If you have a backyard, this can be a perfect beginner birdwatching spot. 

Look and listen: Birds can be identified by both their appearance and their calls. Look for movement and listen for bird calls to help you locate birds. 

Respect the birds and their habitat: Always follow the rules and regulations of the natural area you are visiting and respect the birds and their habitat. Avoid disturbing nests or feeding birds, as this can have negative impacts on their behavior and health.