Do you ever find yourself having some free time and want to find a new activity and community of individuals committed to protecting our environment? Green clubs or organizations might be your calling!  


Start by researching your local non-profits. Several search platforms make it easy to search for organizations. is a helpful tool to find all the local nonprofits and charities in your area. You can even filter for only environmental groups and see reviews of the club.  

If you’re a Gainesville, FL local, there are a wide variety of local clubs that each have specific goals. To help you decide, think about how your interests align with the organization. For example, if you enjoy the arts, Cinema Verde is a non-profit eco-streaming platform and film festival dedicated to publicizing environmental issues through film. 

If you are a student, attend your school’s club/student organization fair to explore the different groups available for joining. This is a great opportunity to foster friendships among peers at your school while actively improving our environment. 

Join Canva Stock Image - Clean up group

Once you find your group, it’s time to join! Starting a new activity and community can be daunting at first. It is helpful to remember that you are there for fun! This is an extracurricular activity that should bring you fulfillment. If you find that this club is taking away from you, it is okay to step back and find a new organization. This experience is what you make of it. 

Other Options 

Joining a club is not the only option. Some charities and companies have environmental efforts that need your support. You can do your part by donating or volunteering. Additionally, your local community government may be organizing green initiatives such as the Gainesville Greenway Challenge, protecting the community’s natural areas.  


Start Your Search! 

Search Platforms: 

Florida Wide Organizations: 

Alachua County Organizations 

University of Florida Student Organizations: