Last year’s lingering red tide caused widespread fish kills, economic impacts and environmental damage.
The Thompson Earth Systems Institute at the University of Florida is hosted a free public panel titled “Beyond Dead Fish: How Red Tide Affects All Floridians,” to address the economic, public health and environmental impacts of harmful algal blooms.
The panel will took place Friday, April 26, 2019 from 3 to 4 p.m. at the MacKay Auditorium in Pugh Hall located at 296 Buckman Dr. in Gainesville. The UF Water Institute and UF Bob Graham Center for Public Service co-sponsored the event.
View the recording of the video below. Panelist info is located below the video.
Panel speakers:

Lisa Krimsky — UF/IFAS Florida Sea Grant water resources regional specialized agent
Krimsky is part of a team that leads and supports water resource extension education programs. Krimsky’s efforts are focused primarily in southeast Florida, with a focus on water quality in coastal and estuarine ecosystems. Her programs help solve water resource issues that are critical to the economic development and environmental protection in Florida.

Dail Laughinghouse — UF/IFAS assistant professor, algae scientist
Laughinghouse is a broadly trained phycologist working with both basic and applied algal research from Tropical to Polar Regions. Some of the current research in his lab focuses on diversity and toxicity of cyanobacteria, environmental influences on macroalgae and microbial photoautotrophs, novel applied uses for algae, bioremediation, and the detection and effects of bioactive compounds.

Andy Reich — scientific advisor to the Chief of the Bureau of Environmental Health at Florida Department of Health
For more than 10 years Reich has lead the Department’s effort to address adverse health impacts from exposures to toxic algal blooms in fresh water and marine environments. His efforts have led to an integrated and collaborative approach to environmental health response in Florida with federal, state, and local partners including NOAA, CDC, Army Corps of Engineers and the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Panel moderator:

Cynthia Barnett — Environmental journalist in residence, UF College of Journalism and Communications