
Marketing Intern — Community Weatherization Coalition

The CWC is seeking four part-time interns this fall, serving approximately 6-10 hours each week each and 3-4 month commitments beginning in September and ending in December 2022. All of the roles are great for those who are interested in learning about the inner workings of a nonprofit that makes a big impact locally and globally and potentially earning course credit.


Data Analysis Intern — Community Weatherization Coalition

The ideal candidate will be able to accomplish deliverables while working from home and at our office (633 NW 8th Ave), have excellent verbal and written communication skills, command a minimum of entry-level proficiency in Python, and bring experience using Spyder and GitHub.


Journalism and Film Student Internship — Cinema Verde

Write and produce multi-media articles on films, directors, environmental issues, profile local sustainable business and on our festival/events. Write and send out bi-monthly newsletter. Post articles to websites.

crab cleanup

International Coastal Cleanup – Cedar Key

An important aspect of the International Coastal Cleanup is to tally up the types of trash that are collected. This helps track local and global trends in marine pollution so managers can target certain types of prevention and cleanup measures. We are asking you to tally the trash you collect as you go either using a paper data card or the Clean Swell App. We recommend assigning one member of your group to be the designated data collector to keep things clean and easy.

Nature Coast Currents Schedule

Nature Coast Currents Seminar Series

Learn about marine science being conducted along Florida’s Gulf Coast, make connections and contacts in natural science, observe role models in natural sciences in various career stages (graduate students through professor/professionals).