
9/27: How to Apply to Graduate School Workshop

The workshop will go through the “do’s and don’ts” of the application process, including the best ways to highlight your undergraduate research experience! This is an excellent opportunity for students of all disciplines and timelines looking to attend graduate school!


9/21: Fall Undergraduate Research Expo

The Fall Undergraduate Research Expo is a great opportunity for students to learn about the incredible research taking place at UF. It allows students to connect with faculty and graduate students to potentially find their own research project. It is also a fantastic networking opportunity if you are looking to get involved in research.


9/14: Research Timeline Workshop

Students will learn how to curate a basic research timeline, including securing a research position or project, writing papers, presenting at conferences etc. This workshop will also cover timelines for transfer, international, and online students.


8/30: How to Find a Research Project Workshop

Research can prepare you for professional and graduate schools, but even more, research can shape the way you understand the world around you, which is a priceless experience not limited to pre-professional and future graduate students.