Choices made now are critical for the future of our ocean and cryosphere
New IPCC report says urgently reducing greenhouse gas emissions limits the scale of ocean and cryosphere changes.
What Florida Can Learn from the Amazon Fires
The Amazon rainforest can teach us important lessons about the future of our environment, statewide and globally.
Climate Change in Florida: Slow-Moving Hurricanes, Salty Spiders and Fish in the Streets
Inundated by the scientific consensus, youth around the globe make their voices heard to demand climate action.
With Florida Iconic Species Under Threat, Officials Look to Reduce Protections
The good news is — scientists have spawned Atlantic coral in a lab for the first time.
Meeting Postponed: Blue-Green Algae Task Force to Hold Public Meeting Aug. 30
The meeting will take place at the University of Florida and be streamed live on The Florida Channel.
The Gulf Dead Zone: Smaller Measurement Doesn’t Hide Big Problem
The Gulf dead zone did not reach its record-setting prediction this year, but scientists say the measurement may not paint the full picture of the problem.
How Can We Monitor Mass Migrations Globally and Conserve Biodiversity into the Future?
Climate change is causing mass migrations across the globe. These migrations will impact public health, global food supply and human well being.
Land is a Critical Resource, IPCC report says
Keeping global warming to well below 2ºC can be achieved only by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors including land and food.
Climate Change Alters What’s Possible in Restoring Florida’s Everglades
Some progress has been made toward restoration, but evidence of unanticipated effects from climate change is forcing experts to reassess what is possible.
Shark Week Looms, But Don’t Panic
Sharks elicit outsized fear, even though the risk of a shark bite is small. You are 30 times more likely to be struck by lightning than be bitten by a shark.