VIDEO: Nutrient Pollution and Eutrophication in Florida Waterways
Have you ever come across a pond or lake thats surface was overgrown with mucky green plants and algae?
Planning for New $3 Million Everglades Restoration Project Underway
Meanwhile, wading birds are returning to historic nesting sites in the Everglades, but in lower numbers.
Biscayne Bay Fish Kill Symptom of Chronic Nutrient Pollution Signifying a ‘Regime Shift’
Pollution has been plaguing Florida waterways for years. Fecal bacteria and excess nutrients can be found in water bodies across the state.
The March of Mangroves
Today, climate change and coastal development have altered the mangrove’s traditional geographic span, extending its range farther north and more inland.
Another Version of Distance Learning: How Remote Sensing Bolsters Florida’s Environmental Research
Researchers can now use optical machinery, like high-tech cameras, to glean information about Earth from afar.
Environmental Laws Through the Decades in the United States
Our environment wasn’t always protected in the United States – until modern-day environmental policies entered the scene.
Legislation on the Move: How Will Recent Policy Changes Impact Florida’s Waterways?
A change to the Clean Water Act lifts protections for some wetlands and streams. Meanwhile, Florida legislators pass the Clean Waterways Act.
Officials Search High and Low for Ideal Lake Okeechobee Water Level
Debate continues about how Lake Okeechobee’s water level should be managed as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers takes public input on a new operating plan.
Where They Go: How Animal Tracking Can Help Save Florida’s Marine Life
Radio, GPS and satellite technology have made it possible for scientists to monitor a variety of marine species even more closely.
Return of the “Fatberg” — Waste in the Time of the Coronavirus
Toilet paper shortages amid the coronavirus pandemic have forced Floridians to get creative with a substitute, causing clogs that damage an already ailing wastewater system.