Tell Me About: The Importance of Seagrass Meadows to Sea Turtles
Seagrasses are important to the green sea turtle and to marine habitats worldwide.
The Mysterious Kingdom of Fungi
Although they make a big impact on our lives, fungi are often invisible to the untrained eye.
Florida’s Environment: 10 Stories to Watch for May
To pair with the rest of our educational content in each Earth to Florida newsletter, we bring you monthly updates … Continue
Tell Me About: The Gulf Stream
What’s going on? The Gulf Stream is a long ocean current that runs along the east coast of the United … Continue
When scientists and K-12 teachers team up, the results can be spectacular or lackluster
Scientists and teachers have begun teaming up across the country to tackle the biggest challenges in science education, but a lack of data is making it hard to determine how well these partnerships are working.
Action of the Week: Go Cloud Gazing!
In Florida, where weather can be so unpredictable, understanding the clouds above can be a useful skill.
Elise Plunk Reflects on Being an Environmental Communicator
I was a science kid growing up. I ran around outside, bits of sticks in my hair and mud on … Continue
Genna Nordling Reflects on Being an Environmental Communicator
My first two years at the University of Florida were spent in constant turmoil, trying to decide what subject I … Continue
Action of the Week: Celebrate National Park Week
April 20th-28th is National Park Week! Did you know that Florida is home to 11 national parks? Read to learn about National Park Week and how you can celebrate.
Tell Me About: Tropicalization
Tropicalization describes a warming climate transforming temperate ecosystems by allowing tropical organisms to move with temperature changes.