Tell Me About: Sandhill Cranes
If you’ve lived in central or south Florida long enough, chances are, you’ve seen a sandhill crane.
Tell Me About: Invasive Lionfish
In the 1980s, the first invasive lionfish was spotted near Dania Beach, Florida. Since then, the species has spread up the east coast of the U.S. and throughout the Gulf of Mexico. Read to learn about the invasive species’ presence in Florida and the impact it has on our ecosystem.
Tell Me About: Burrowing Owls
Who’s that? It’s the Florida burrowing owl!
The burrowing owl, one of the smallest in Florida, lives in open, sandy fields throughout the peninsular region of the state. It stands at around 9 inches tall, has sandy brown feathers, and bright yellow eyes. The burrowing owl is designated as a threatened species by the state of Florida, so there are certain rules to know if you see one in the wild. Be sure not to get too close and risk upsetting the owl or its burrow; if the owl sees you and bobs its head, makes noises, or flies around you, then you’re probably too close!
Tell Me About: Miami Cave Crayfish in Florida
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently proposed to list the Miami cave crayfish as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act.
Tell Me About: Coral Honeysuckle
October is Florida Native Species Month! To celebrate, we here at TESI are featuring coral honeysuckle, one of Florida’s native plant species.
Tell Me About: The Air Potato Plant in Florida
Have you ever seen a brown bulb on the ground that looks like a potato? It could be an air potato, an invasive species in Florida.
Tell Me About: Cane Toads in Florida
Have you ever seen a large toad with dry, warty skin and enlarged poison glands in your backyard? It might be a cane toad, an invasive species in Florida.
Tell Me About: El Nino- Southern Oscillation
In June, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) declared that the El Niño phase of the El Niño- Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle has begun. Though this event occurs in the southern Pacific Ocean, it impacts the entire Earth. Read to learn more about ENSO, how it impacts Florida, and what that means for hurricane season.
Tell Me About: Cuban Treefrogs in Florida
Have you ever seen a large, warty, bug-eyed frog in your house or your backyard? It might be a Cuban treefrog, an invasive species in Florida.
Tell Me About: The Florida Scrub Jay
Did you know there’s a bird in Florida that ONLY lives in Florida? Read more about Florida’s only endemic bird, and how you can help protect it.