A Timeline of the Piney Point Wastewater Disaster
Explore our timeline to take a look back at the long history of the site and to catch up on what’s been happening lately.
Tell Me About: Dune Health in Florida
Dunes are important natural features in Florida, but many dunes around the state are being degraded by things like severe storms and coastal development.
State representatives often put forth bills that aim to balance production with environmental conservation – a task that isn’t always easy.
Mindjina Courage Reflects on Her Time at TESI
I anticipate being successful in challenging work environments in the future because TESI has provided me with a strong and loving foundation.
Environmental Leaders Fellows learn about UF Sustainability from Hannah Ulloa
Students learned about sustainability initiatives at UF, UF’s Climate Action Plan, and ways to get involved on campus.
Tell Me About Sugarcane Burning in Florida
Learn about sugarcane burning and its effects on local communities.
Action of the Week: Practice Seasonal Eating
Eating food that is in-season can help reduce emissions, support your local economy, and even benefit your health.
Action of the Week: Sustainable Holiday Decor
Are you decorating this holiday season? We have ideas for earth-friendly decor alternatives!
TESI Environmental Communicators Named Finalists for 2021 ArcGis StoryMap Challenge for Restoring Our Ocean
Their project tells the story of how recent manatee deaths paint a bigger picture for the future of Florida’s environment.
Tell Me About: Citrus Greening in Florida
What’s going on? Citrus greening is a citrus plant disease that is spread by an insect called the Asian citrus … Continue