Scientists: Does your work involve the atmosphere? Collaborate with Scientist in Every Florida School!
Consider working with teachers during our 4th annual summer professional development workshop!
Action of the Week: Get Involved With Community Science
Anyone can participate in science research! Learn more about how to get involved with community science projects.
Monika Moorman Named SEFS SuperStar Teacher of the Quarter
Monika Moorman, a 4th-grade teacher at Central Park Elementary in Broward County has been named the SEFS SuperStar Teacher of the Quarter.
Brittney Miller Reflects on her TESI Internship
Thank you, TESI, for helping me translate the world around me to the people around me.
Action of the Month: Stay Informed with the Florida State Legislature’s Online Tracking Tools
Both the Florida House of Representatives and Florida Senate have online tools that can make it easier for you to stay informed.
Have Cool Science to Share? Participate in a Scientist Takeover on TESI’s Instagram!
Scientists can now share their research and answer viewer questions on TESI’s Instagram account!
Action of the Month: Learn About the Insects in Your Backyard with iNaturalist!
By helping showcase the amazing insects in our state, you are helping to #ProtectTheInsects!
Future of Offshore Fish Farm Near Sarasota Remains Uncertain
A new offshore fish farm demonstration project shows promise for helping meet demand, but opponents of the project worry about its environmental impact.
New Study Sheds Light on Hurricane Formation, May Improve Future Forecasts
The team found that the deep clouds within storms create their own localized greenhouse effect.
Celebrate Creepy Crawlers this Halloween and Pledge to Protect the Insects
This year, embrace the creepy in creepy crawlers by focusing your Halloween festivities on insects!