This opportunity is curated through the UF TESI Environmental Leaders Network. Opportunities posted through the Network may not be affiliated with the Florida Museum or TESI, but are shared with UF undergraduate students who want to learn more about environmental research, education and outreach, and civic engagement. 

Host Organization

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


The NOAA Ocean Acidification Program (OAP) advances ocean acidification science, education and outreach. As our knowledge about our changing oceans has advanced, so have the needs of audiences around the nation. We are assessing nationwide stakeholder needs via listening sessions to identify gaps, priorities, and the ways in which we can support people impacted by ocean and coastal acidification. The listening sessions help us understand your priorities and needs, how ocean acidification and ocean change intersect, and how we can best support you through education and outreach projects and initiatives!

The listening sessions will help inform:

  • Funding opportunities such as education mini-grants, and future Notice of Funding Opportunities (grants)
  • Updates to the NOAA Ocean Acidification Education Implementation Plan
  • Best practices for outreach and education initiatives that support your needs

Format: The listening session will begin with a brief overview of the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program and the stakeholder needs assessment project. Next, participants will have the opportunity to share your priorities and concerns in your work and daily life on how ocean change and ocean acidification has impacted you, and identify ways NOAA can support you. Your anonymous responses will be recorded using Mentimeter.


Thursday, August 24 , 2023, 2PM – 3PM



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