This opportunity is curated through the UF TESI Environmental Leaders Network. Opportunities posted through the Network may not be affiliated with the Florida Museum or TESI, but are shared with UF undergraduate students who want to learn more about environmental research, education and outreach, and civic engagement. 

Host Organization

Society of Freshwater Science (SFS) with funding from the National Science Foundation

Position description

The Society of Freshwater Science (SFS), with funding from the National Science Foundation, has a year-long program called Emerge. Emerge expands upon a decade-long program called Instars and provides opportunities for networking with graduate students, faculty, and professionals hoping to encourage diversity in the freshwater discipline.

Program activities:

  • River float right before the SFS Annual Meeting
  • SFS Annual Meeting and activities with Instars
  • NEON + R / data analysis workshop
  • Visual communications / graphic design workshop
  • Collaborate online and connect in community meetings

The Emerge program funds attendance at the 2024 SFS Annual Meeting. Additionally, the Emerge program fully funds participation for its in-person year-round activities. The upcoming SFS Annual Meeting will be June 2-6, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Applicants do not need to be presenting at the meeting to qualify for either program.

Watch the recorded informational webinar that provides in-depth descriptions of the programs.


  • Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students & Early-Career scholars from under-represented groups*
  • Individuals from a wide range of groups and identities that are underrepresented in Freshwater Science and Society, based on dimensions of race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity & first-generation college student.

Application Due Date

November 27, 2023

Apply here:

Apply | NSF’s Emerge Program (