Receiving the notification that you have been selected to interview for a position can cause multiple emotions — excitement, anxiousness, and even fear.

While those nerves will still be there no matter what, there are some steps that you can take to ease your mind during the interview process.

Looking back, my first interview at UF was probably the worst interview I had ever done. I was fresh out of high school and unsure of a lot of things. The first thing I wondered: what do I wear? What you wear to an interview is crucial to making a good first impression. My rule of thumb for interviews unless explicitly stated otherwise, is to wear business professional attire. It allows you to present yourself in the best light possible. If you do not have business professional attire, try looking into the Career Closet at UF. You can book an appointment and get help from the staff. The entire closet is free of charge so be sure to check them out!

Once you have picked a professional outfit for your interview it is time to move on to research. Make sure you are aware of the company’s goals, mission, and the position you are interviewing for. When interviewing for an internship a few years ago, the company asked me what goals of the company resonated with me. Without prior research, this question could have stumped me! So, ensure that you read through the company’s website, any emails they have sent you, and the position description as part of your preparation for the interview.

Now on to the hardest part: answering questions. To be honest, I cannot make all of your nerves disappear, but I do know that practicing questions ahead of time can ease them. I would recommend searching for the most commonly asked questions and recording yourself answering them. Ensure that you are answering all parts of the question and always connect it back to why you’re a good fit for the company. If you get a question that surprises you during the interview – don’t stress! It’s always okay to ask your interviewer to repeat a question, and you can also ask to have a moment to think before you answer. Finally, you should also prepare to ask some questions during your interview. Think of questions that help you get to know more about the company/organization or the position for which you are interviewing.

In the past two years the traditional in person interview has been replaced with virtual interviews. Whether it is Zoom, Skype or Cisco, organizations/companies are more likely to interview you right from the comfort of your home. All of my tips still apply but there are a few things to keep in mind. Try to have a clear background, if needed use the blur effect or a virtual background feature on Zoom. Make sure you are well lit so the interviewers can see you! Lastly, minimize distractions if possible.

That was a lot, but my true final piece of advice is to breathe! Everything is going to be okay no matter what the outcome of the interview is. You got this and good luck!

About the Author

kamya bates headshotKamya Bates is a senior from Houston, Texas, studying marine sciences on the pre-veterinary track. Through this internship, Bates is interested in learning more about how current carbon emissions are impacting the local Florida marine ecosystems. In her professional life, she hopes to earn her Ph.D. in marine ecology and become a practicing aquatic mammal veterinarian. In her free time, she enjoys reading comic books, spending time with her sisters, and cooking.