A new ‘moonshot’ initiative at the University of Florida aims to tackle some of the world’s big issues. Moonshot refers to an idea that is very lofty and refers to a speech by JFK’s when he aimed to put people on the moon – not because it was easy but because it was a lofty goal. The Thompson Earth Systems Institute team alongside collaborators in the College of Education submitted a proposal to connect scientists with Florida schools and classrooms. To enhance learning and provide teachers access to expert knowledge and content.

Read more about all of the funded projects by clicking here.

There is often a disconnect between scientists and the general public. The mission of our team’s proposal is to help bridge this gap. Provide students and educators with real-time access to professional scientists. This may be in terms of virtual meetings with lessons or educational content, exploring career paths, or even in-person visits. Educators need access to experts to get up-to-date information on the leading scientific research, fundamentals of science, and for clarification on content. This ensures that they can provide students with information to help them best assess and ask questions about the natural world. With an aim that the youth of Florida will have a better understanding of the world around them and plant the idea that they, too, can become scientists.

The Scientist in Every Florida School pilot project will begin to take form at an educator retreat with representatives from the five targeted Florida counties in mid-January, stay tuned for upcoming news!