Hurricanes in Florida: What’s the Lingo?
Read on to keep up-to-date on hurricane terms, symbols, measurement instruments, current research and more!
Action of the Week: Grow Your Own Sprouts at Home!
Ever wanted to grow your own sprouts? It’s easier than you might have thought! Follow these steps and you’ll be a DIY sprouts pro!
Tell Me About: Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease in Florida
First reported in 2014, stony coral tissue loss disease has infected more than 30 species of corals ranging over 96,000 acres throughout Florida’s Reef Tract.
Action of the Week: Support Local Businesses & Farmers Markets
Consider shopping local! Swap your visit to a chain restaurant or a big-box store with a trip to a local business.
Red Tide 101: The Basics (Video)
Almost every summer in Florida, you hear news about red tide. But what exactly is it, and why is it so talked about? Watch now to learn more!
Action of the Week: Develop a Zero-Waste Laundry Routine!
By taking little steps to create an environmentally conscious household, you’re reducing your home’s energy and water consumption, and saving money!
Action of the Week: Equip Your Kitchen With Zero-Waste Essentials!
Going zero-waste means sending nothing (or little) to the landfill. Learn how to create a zero-waste kitchen with some easy, sustainable swaps and ideas!
Participate in Plastic-Free July! (video)
Learn more about easy habits you can change to reduce your plastic footprint!
Action of the Week: Grow an Indoor Vegetable Garden
Planting an indoor garden is a great way to ensure your kitchen is full of fresh veggies, regardless of the season!
Action of the Week: Create an Energy-Efficient Home
This week, choose one of these simple suggestions to improve your house’s energy efficiency. Which one will you try?