Florida’s Environment: 10 Stories to Watch for December
To pair with the rest of our educational content in each Earth to Florida newsletter, we bring you monthly updates … Continue
The 31st Annual West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Workshop: Teaming up to Slow the Melt
“Science is a team sport,” said Roger Creel, a postdoctoral scholar at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, speaking to the importance … Continue
Florida’s Environment: 10 Stories to Watch for November
To pair with the rest of our educational content in each Earth to Florida newsletter, we bring you monthly updates … Continue
Florida’s Environment: 10 Stories to Watch for September
To pair with the rest of our educational content in each Earth to Florida newsletter, we bring you monthly updates … Continue
Guest Feature: First Local Extinction in the U.S. Due to Sea Level Rise
Florida Museum of Natural History science writer Jerald Pinson sheds light on the loss of the Key Largo tree cactus.
Tell Me About: Beach Nourishment in Florida
Beach nourishment is a hot topic in Florida… but what exactly does it mean for our sandy beaches?
Florida’s Environment: 10 Stories to Watch for July
According to a new report from the Florida Policy Institute, more than 5.7 million Floridians are vulnerable to extreme heat. … Continue
Florida’s Environment: 10 Stories to Watch for May
To pair with the rest of our educational content in each Earth to Florida newsletter, we bring you monthly updates … Continue
Tell Me About: Tropicalization
Tropicalization describes a warming climate transforming temperate ecosystems by allowing tropical organisms to move with temperature changes.
Tell Me About: Climate Resilience
Climate resilience is the ability to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the effects of climate change.