
Tell Me About: Cold Fronts

Why is it SO cold in Florida right now??  Usually, Florida maintains a humid, subtropical climate year-round. However, with the … Continue

Red sign with text that reads: "reclaimed water in use. do not drink."

Tell Me About: Reclaimed Water

Reclaimed water can help take the strain off potable water sources by providing treated water that can be used for irrigation, industry, and other non-potable water uses. 

Blue Springs state park near Orlando, Florida.

Action of the Week: Visit Florida’s State Parks!

Florida offers an award-winning network of state parks, trails, and cultural sites across the state. Hiking, biking, kayaking, fishing—there’s something for everyone in these precious pieces of wild Florida.

Brown plastic bag surrounded by crafting tools including stitch markers, knitting needles, crochet hoot, and scissors.

Action of the Week: Make Plarn!

Thousands of plastic bags are used every day all over the world. Repurposing plastic bags instead of disposing of them gives them new life—and keeps them out of the environment. Scroll to learn how to make yarn out of plastic bags, plarn!

A green sea turtle swims above a seagrass meadow in the ocean.

One is All it Takes

For millions of years, sea turtles have played important roles in marine food chains. Today, they face many threats, most of which stem from human activity.