Mangrove off the coast of Florida

Tell Me About: Tropicalization

Tropicalization describes a warming climate transforming temperate ecosystems by allowing tropical organisms to move with temperature changes.


Tell Me About: Green Iguanas

It may be a rarity to see snow fall in Florida during the winter months, but the state has a winter related phenomenon of its own: falling iguanas!

A blue and silver adult Florida scrub jay perches on a tree branch.

Tell Me About: The Florida Scrub Jay

Did you know there’s a bird in Florida that ONLY lives in Florida? Read more about Florida’s only endemic bird, and how you can help protect it.

smoke with the sun shining through

Tell Me About: Waste Incineration in Florida

Waste incineration was devised as a method for managing our waste while generating energy, but there are increasing concerns over its environmental and public health impacts.