Tell Me About: Green Iguanas
It may be a rarity to see snow fall in Florida during the winter months, but the state has a winter related phenomenon of its own: falling iguanas!
Tell Me About: The Florida Scrub Jay
Did you know there’s a bird in Florida that ONLY lives in Florida? Read more about Florida’s only endemic bird, and how you can help protect it.
Tell Me About: Palmetto Bug
What’s going on? With over 55 species of cockroach in the United States, it can be difficult to tell them … Continue
Tell Me About: Schaus Swallowtail
What’s going on? The Schaus swallowtail butterfly is endemic to Florida, meaning it isn’t found anywhere else. Its habitat consists … Continue
Tell Me About: Brown Basilisk
What’s going on? Scientists and state agencies are asking Florida residents to keep an eye out for the brown basilisk, … Continue
Tell Me About: Exhaustible Renewables
The great Floridan aquifer is an exhaustible renewable resource, meaning that with proper support, it can last us a long … Continue
Tell Me About: Waste Incineration in Florida
Waste incineration was devised as a method for managing our waste while generating energy, but there are increasing concerns over its environmental and public health impacts.
Tell Me About: Giant African Land Snail
The invasive giant African land snail is back in the state! Expanding past its original range in South Florida, this mollusk was spotted in Pasco County, north of Tampa. Read on to learn more about this species and what to do if you spot them!
Tell Me About: Insect Decline
What’s going on? Insects account for about 80% of animal life on Earth, but all around the world, their populations … Continue
Tell Me About: Avian Influenza
What’s going on? Avian Influenza, also known as HPAI, is a highly contagious virus that occurs in a variety of … Continue