Tell Me About: Dune Health in Florida
Dunes are important natural features in Florida, but many dunes around the state are being degraded by things like severe storms and coastal development.
Tell Me About: Springs Protection Zones in Florida
Protection Zones for Springs is a new Florida rule created to combat negative impacts from boating vessels and other human activities.
Tell Me About: Sargassum Blooms in Florida
While sargassum seaweed provides important nutrients and habitat for many species, it can bloom out of control and cause problems for marine life and humans alike.
Tell Me About: Saltwater Intrusion in Florida
Saltwater intrusion refers to the way that saltwater is increasingly entering Florida’s aquifers, most notably in South Florida.
Tell Me About: Beach Erosion in Florida
Florida boasts 825 miles of coastline, but as of 2021, more than 426.6 miles of it are critically eroded. Learn about potential solutions to this costly issue.
Tell Me About: Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease in Florida
First reported in 2014, stony coral tissue loss disease has infected more than 30 species of corals ranging over 96,000 acres throughout Florida’s Reef Tract.