This opportunity is curated through the UF TESI Environmental Leaders Network. Opportunities posted through the Network may not be affiliated with the Florida Museum or TESI, but are shared with UF undergraduate students who want to learn more about environmental research, education and outreach, and civic engagement. 

Opportunity title

Litter Prevention and Abatement

Host organization/department

Keep Alachua County Beautiful


Keep Alachua County Beautiful’s mission is to beautify, conserve resources, recycle, educate, and preserve our community’s environmental legacy. As an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, Keep Alachua County Beautiful believes that each of us holds an obligation to preserve and protect our environment. Through our everyday choices and actions we collectively have a huge impact on our world. It’s really a simple concept but one with far-reaching effects. Keep Alachua County Beautiful works throughout the year to improve our community through graffiti abatement, litter prevention and abatement, community gardens, environmental education for kids, Adopt-A-Road, and more. They take small steps to make Alachua County an amazing place to live.

This is a great opportunity for young students to develop leadership, teamwork, and communication skills, gain experience in a professional environment, improve mental health and well-being, and boost their applications to colleges and scholarships. Even a small action step is having a huge impact on our environment.

Date & time


Who can students contact for more information?

Contact Akshita Veerani,