Headshot of Lexi. Lexi Bolger

Ph.D. student, Interdisciplinary Ecology
TESI ELF Cohort II Graduate Coordinator
Fall 2022 – Present

Lexi Bolger is a graduate student pursuing her doctoral degree in interdisciplinary ecology. She started out as an environmental communicator two years ago with TESI and transitioned to a new position as the graduate coordinator for the second cohort of the Environmental Leaders Fellowship program. Lexi also helps out with TESI’s communications, including blog posts, social media posts, and press releases.

She hopes to combine her background in paleontology, marine science, and science communication to develop and evaluate informal K-12 STEM education programs. Lexi is also interested in STEM identity development within informal and digital educational environments.

Outside of TESI, she volunteers with the Natural Resources Diversity Initiative and enjoys reading science fiction novels, hiking at Sweetwater, and baking with her stand mixer. 

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