FOR 6934
Tuesdays 11-12; Wednesdays 1-2
Online, asynchronous
This course will provide an introduction to science communication, environmental education, and public outreach. The course will focus on strategic message framing and how to convey scientific research to the public. The public outreach portion will focus on general audiences as well as K-12 specific outreach.
Text will be primary literature and Weekly assignments will include icebreakers, readings, small projects, class discussion, and presentations. Syllabus with a schedule will be posted in Canvas or can be requested from the instructors.
Course Objectives
By the end of this class, students will be able to
• Describe the process of strategic message framing
• Frame their research for communication with the public
• Describe different types of public outreach
• Discuss the unique challenges of K-12 outreach
• Utilize NAAEE Guidelines for Excellence for K-12 Environmental Education, Professional Development of Environmental Educators, and Nonformal Environmental Education Programs
• Translate their research into a public outreach experience for the general public or K-12 audiences
Students will demonstrate their mastery by creating framed discussion of their research, a public outreach component related to their research, and a short video using the skills learned in this class for the Scientist in Every Florida School’s Science Segments.
Intended Participants
Graduate students from any STEM discipline, including anthropology, astronomy, botany, chemistry, educational technology, engineering, entomology, geology, physics, science education, wildlife, zoology, etc.