Insect Effect Home

Knowledge and awareness can inspire others to act! One way to help curb global insect decline is to share this campaign with your friends and get them as excited about insects as you are!

Be a mentor by going outdoors and talking about insects. Fight against negative perceptions by leading a bug walk to inspire others! Get involved in local politics and vote for representatives who value biodiversity.  
We developed some digital resources to help you spread the word and help us all protect native insects.

Campaign Toolbox:

Help raise awareness about the importance of insects and how we can curb their decline by downloading and sharing the resources below!

When sharing on social media, be sure to use the campaign hashtag: #ProtectTheInsects, and tag us: @UFEarthSystems on Facebook and Twitter and @KnowYourFlorida on Instagram.

Eastern Hercules Beetle Green Lacewing giant ichneumon wasp

Step 1: Create Insect Friendly Habitats Step 2: Take the Pledge