[1st place] Dermatobia by Lawrence Reeves
[2nd place] The Art of AAV Gene Therapy by Pedro E Cruz
[3rd place] Olfactory bulb oil painting by Jeremy McIntyre
[Honorable Mention] Bark Beetle Calligraphy 1: Styracoptinus by Jiri Hulcr
[Honorable Mention] Aristolochia gigantea by Kyle Martin
[Honorable Mention] Catocala by Lary Reeves
[Honorable Mention] Radula Twist by Bridget Chalifour
[Honorable Mention] Zebra Longwing Butterfly by Derya Tansel
[Honorable Mention] Better Building Blocks by Cody Kunka
[Honorable Mention] Chameleon by Katie Dunton
[Honorable Mention] SFP 10 by Leah Palmer
[Honorable Mention] Mysteries of synovial fluid: nanoparticles or jellyfish? by Shannon Brown
[Honorable Mention] Dasypus novemcinctus by Zachary Randall
[Honorable Mention] Munchin by Scott Cinel
Bark Beetle Calligraphy 2: Tomicus minor by Jiri Hulcr
Lepidoptera Wing Vouchers by Samm Wehman Epstein
Research Buddy by Olivia Zugay
Silver Laced Polish Rooster by Derya Tansel
Cinnabar Moth Larvae by Derya Tansel
Female Royal Jumping spider inside a bee hive by William H. Kern, Jr.
Tacca chantrieri by Kyle Martin
Over the moon by Shannon Brown
Divided Fibers by Sarah Allen
The air near construction place by HsinChieh Wei
Merry Christmas by Hsin-Ro Wei
Python and mosquitoes by Lary Reeves
A single layer of life by Melanie Fryman
Amphilophus citrinellus by Zachary Randall
The acid aerosol in the air by HsinChieh Wei
Uranotaenia lowii by Lawrence Reeves
Anticipation by Conor MacDonnell
Soft to the touch by Melanie Fryman
Acid aerosol in the air by HsinChieh Wei
Concentrated Under Reduced Pressure by Danielle Fagnani
Displeased by Conor MacDonnell
Black spotted Sally Lightfoot Crab by Derya Tansel
Tubes of Bubbles by Sarah Allen
Pallid bat leftovers by Lary Reeves
Green Lynx spider with her babies by William H. Kern, Jr.
Tiniest Sculpture by Sarah Allen
Bark Beetle Calligraphy 4: Hylesinus by Jiri Hulcr
Bark beetle zebra crossing by You Li
Bark Beetle Calligraphy 5: Phloeosinus by Jiri Hulcr
Simian Siesta by Ashley Sharpe
Turkey Feather by Kim Backer-Kelley
Freycinetia cumingiana by Derya Tansel
Metamorphosis by Scott Cinel
Fungus Among Us by Olivia Azadikhah, Dimitrios Kampouris and Emilie Schmidt
Pile of Pollen by Sarah Allen
Disentangling the complexity of Parkinson's disease by Robert Eisinger
Aves and the Universe by Sarah Teman
Tracks by Olivia Zugay
Tenacity by Daniela Travieso
Bark Beetle Calligraphy 3: Scolytus multistriatus by Jiri Hulcr
Lepidoptera Wing Vouchers (Moths) by Samm Wehman Epstein
Aerosol from vehicle and aircraft emission by HsinChieh Wei
Crystallization of a benzylbromide by Will Henderson
The aerosol in the air by HsinChieh Wei