Selected EA Publications
Reprints of published material are available on request to the individual authors.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Arnold, W. S., T. M. Bert, I. R. Quitmyer and D. S. Jones (1997) Contemporaneous Deposition of annual growth Bands in Mercenaria mercenaria (Linnaeus), Mercenaria campechiensis (Gmelin), and Their Hybrid Forms. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (1997):1-18.
Arnold, W. S., D. Marelli, T. M. Bert, D. S. Jones, and I. R. Quitmyer (1991) Habitat-Specific Growth of Hard Clams Mercenaria (L.) from the Indian River, Florida. Journal of Experimental Biology and Ecology 147(1991):245-265.
Bell, Austin (2012) Vertebrate Faunal Analysis of a Caloosahatchee IV Deposit from Brown’s Complex Mound 2 at the Pineland Site Complex. Unpublished paper submitted for graduate course in Zooarchaeology, Department of Anthropology, University of Florida. On file at the Florida Museum of Natural History, Environmental Archaeology (Accession 474).
Blessing, Meggan E. (2015) Pits for the Ancestors. In The Archaeology of Events Cultural Change and Continuity in the Pre-Columbian Southeast, edited by Zackary I. Gilmore, Jason M. O’Donoughue, pp. 77-92. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.
Brown, L.A. and Emery, K.F. (2008) Negotiations with the Animate Forest: Hunting Shrines and Houses in the Maya Highlands. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 15(4):300-337.
Cannarozzi Nicole R.(2010) Estimating the season of harvest of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) from the St. Catherines Shell Ring. In Seasonality and Human Mobility Along the Georgia Bight: proceedings of the Fifth Caldwell Conference, St. Catherines Island, Georgia, May 14-16, 2010. Edited by Elizabeth J. Reitz, Irvy R. Quitmyer, and David Hurst Thomas, Pp. 171-186. Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History, no. 97.
Cumbaa, Steve L. (1976) A Reconsideration of Freshwater Shellfish Exploitation in the Florida Archaic. The Florida Anthropologist 29: 49-59.
deFrance, S.D, and C.A. Hanson 2008. Labor, Population Movement, and Food in Sixteenth-Century Ek Balam, Yucatan. Latin American Antiquity 19(3): 299-316.
Emery, Kitty F. (2014) Aguateca Animal Remains. In Life and Politics at the Royal Court of Aguateca: Artifacts, Analytical Data, and Synthesis. Edited by Takeshi Inomata and Daniela Triadan, Pp. 158-200. University of Utah Press.
Emery, Kitty F. and Christopher Götz, editors (2013) Archaeology of Ancient Mesoamerican Animals. Oxbow Press, David Brown Book Company. Lockwood Press, Atlanta.
Emery, Kitty F., Erin Kennedy Thornton, Nicole Cannarozzi, Stephen Houston and Hector Escobedo (2013) Ancient Animals of the Southern Maya Highlands: Zooarchaeology of Kaminaljuyu. In Archaeology of Ancient Mesoamerican Animals (Christopher Götz and Kitty F. Emery, editors). Lockwood Press, Atlanta.
Emery, K.F. and Brown, L.A. (2012) Maya Hunting Sustainability: Perspectives from Past and Present. In To Report or Not to Report: Amerindian Warfare, Environmental Degradation, and the Anthropologist’s Dilemma, pp. 79-116, edited by Richard J. Chacon and Rubén G. Mendoza, Springer Press, New York.
Emery, K.F. and E.K. Thornton (2012) Tracking Climate Change in the Ancient Maya World through Zooarchaeological Habitat Analysis. In The Great Maya Droughts in Cultural Context (Gyles Iannone, editor). University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
Emery, K.F. and E.K. Thornton. (2012). Using Animal Remains to Reconstruct Landscapes and Climate of the Ancient Maya World. In Proceedings of the General Session of the 11th ICAZ Conference, edited by Christine Lefèvre, pp. 203-225. BAR International Series #2354. Archaeopress, Oxford England.
Emery, K.F. (2010) Dietary, Environmental, and Societal Implications of Ancient Maya Animal Use in the Petexbatun: A Zooarchaeological Perspective on the Collapse. Vanderbilt Institute of Mesoamerican Archaeology Volume 5. Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, TN [471 ms pp., 56 tables, 87 figures].
Emery, K.F. (2009) Maya Bone Crafting: Defining the Nature of a Late/Terminal Classic Maya Bone Tool Manufacturing Locus. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 28:458-470.
Emery, K.F., L. Brown, E. Anderson, E. Thornton, and M. LeFebvre (2009) Etnozoología de Depósitos Rituales de los Mayas Modernos e Implicaciones para la Interpretación de la Dieta y del Ritual de los Antiguos Mayas, In XXII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 2008. edited by J.P. Laporte, B. Arroyo, and H. Mejía, pp. 842-852. Conference Proceedings of the Simposio de Arqueología Guatemalteca, 2008, Guatemala: Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología.
Emery, K.F. (2008) A Zooarchaeological Test for Dietary Resource Depression at the End of the Classic Period in the Petexbatun, Guatemala. Human Ecology 36(5):617-634.
Emery, K.F. (2008) Techniques of Ancient Maya Bone Working: Evidence from a Classic Maya Deposit. Latin American Antiquity 19(2):204-221.
Emery, K.F. and E.K. Thornton (2008) A regional perspective on biotic change during the Classic Maya occupation using zooarchaeological isotopic chemistry. Quaternary International 191:131-143.
Emery, K.F. and E.K. Thornton (2008) Zooarchaeological Habitat Analysis of Ancient Maya Landscape Changes. Journal of Ethnobiology 28(2):154-179.
Emery, K.F. (2007) Aprovechamiento de la fauna en Piedras Negras: Dieta, ritual y artesanía del periodo Clásico Maya. Mayab: Journal of the Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas, Madrid Spain 19:51-69.
Emery, K.F. (2007) Assessing the Impact of Ancient Maya Animal Use. Journal of Nature Conservation 15(3):184-195.
Emery, K.F. (2007) Ecofacts: Overview. Invited entry for the peer-reviewed Encyclopedia of Archaeology, edited by Deborah M. Pearsall, pp. 1111-1114. Academic Press, NY.
Emery, K.F. and K. Aoyama (2007) Bone Tool Manufacturing in Elite Maya Households at Aguateca, Guatemala. Ancient Mesoamerica 18(2):69-89.
Emery, K.F. (2004) Environments of the Maya Collapse: A Zooarchaeological Perspective from the Petexbatún, Guatemala, In Maya Zooarchaeology: New Directions in Method and Theory, edited by K.F. Emery, pp. 81-96. Los Angeles, CA: Institute of Archaeology, UCLA Press.
Emery, K.F. (2004) Historical Perspectives on Research Directions in Maya Zooarchaeology, In Maya Zooarchaeology: New Directions in Method and Theory, edited by K.F. Emery, pp. 1-12. Los Angeles, CA: Institute of Archaeology, UCLA Press.
Emery, K.F. (2004) In Search of Assemblage Comparability: Methods in Maya Zooarchaeology, In Maya Zooarchaeology: New Directions in Method and Theory, edited by K.F. Emery, pp. 15-34. Los Angeles, CA: Institute of Archaeology, UCLA Press.
Emery, K.F. (2004) In Search of the “Maya Diet”: Is Regional Comparison Possible in the Maya Area? Archaeofauna 13:37-56.
Emery, K.F. (2004) Introduction to Maya Zooarchaeology, In Maya Zooarchaeology: New Directions in Method and Theory, edited by K.F. Emery, pp. xi-xiii. Los Angeles, CA: Institute of Archaeology, UCLA Press.
Emery, K.F. (2004) Making the Most of the Data: Issues of Method and Theory in Tropical Zooarchaeology. Archaeofauna 13:7-10.
Emery, K.F., editor (2004) Maya Zooarchaeology: New Directions in Method and Theory. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, Monograph 51. Los Angeles, CA. [310 pp, 85 figures, 49 tables; including a preface, taxonomic appendix, subject index, and three chapters by Emery (see below)].
Emery, K.F. (2004) Maya Zooarchaeology: In Pursuit of Cultural Variability and Environmental Heterogeneity, pp. 217-241. In: Continuities and Changes in Maya Archaeology: Perspectives at the Millennium, edited by C. Golden and G. Borgstede. Routledge Press: New York.
Emery, K.F. and W.G. Teeter, editors (2004) Tropical Zooarchaeology. Archaeofauna Special Issue Volume 13: including 20 papers on methods and issues pertinent to zooarchaeology in tropical regions around the world. [202 pp. including 2 articles by Emery (see below)].
Emery, K.F. (2003) A Bibliography of Literature by Elizabeth S. Wing. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History 44(1):205-208.
Emery, K.F. (2003) Animals from the Maya Underworld: Reconstructing Elite Maya Ritual at the Cueva de los Quetzales, Guatemala. In Behavior Behind Bones: The zooarchaeology of religion, ritual, status, and identity, edited by S. Jones O’Day, W. Van Neer, and A. Ervynck, pp. 101-113. Oxbow Books, Oxford UK.
Emery, K.F. (2003) The Economics of Natural Resource Use at Ancient Motul de San Jose, Guatemala. Mayab 16:33-48.
Emery, K.F. (2003) Enduring Foundations to a Holistic Science: Lessons in Environmental Archaeology from Elizabeth S. Wing. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History 44(1):3-10.
Emery, K.F. and E. Graham (2003) A Marine Resource Survey at Marco Gonzalez, Belize. Canadian Zooarchaeology Supplement 1:68-102.
Emery, K.F. (2002) The Noble Beast: Status and Differential Access to Animals in the Maya World. World Archaeology 34(3):498-515.
Emery, K.F. (2001) The Economics of Bone Artifact Production in the Ancient Maya Lowlands. In Crafting Bone: Skeletal Technologies through Time and Space. Proceedings of the 2nd meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group Budapest1999, edited by A.M. Choyke and L. Bartosiewicz, pp. 73-84. British Archaeological Reports International Series 937. Oxford.
Emery, K.F. (2000) Fauna of Ancient Mexico and Central America. In The Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia, edited by S.T. Evans and D.L. Webster, pp. 255-265. New York: Garland Publishing.
Emery, K.F., L.E. Wright, and H. Schwarcz (2000) Isotopic Analysis of Ancient Deer Bone: Biotic Stability in Collapse Period Maya Land-Use. Journal of Archaeological Science 27:537-550.
Emery, K.F. (1999) Temporal trends in ancient Maya animal use: Zooarchaeological studies of Postclassic and Colonial period faunal assemblages from Lamanai and Tipu, Belize. In Reconstructing Ancient Maya Diet, edited by CD White, pp. 61-81. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
Foias, Antonia and Kitty F. Emery (2012) Motul de San José: Politics, History, and Economy in a Maya Polity. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
Ford, A. and K.F. Emery (2008) Exploring the Legacy of the Maya Forest. Journal of Ethnobiology 28(2):147-153.
Franz, D. and I. R. Quitmyer (2006) A Fossil and Zooarchaeological History of the Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) in the Southeastern United States. In Papers Honoring S. David Webb, Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History, 45(4):125-56, edited by G. Morgan, R. Hulbert, and D. Jackson, pp. 179-1992. Gainesville, FL.
Freiwald, Caroyln and Erin Kennedy Thornton (in prep) Mapping the Movement of People and Animals Across the Maya Landscape: Strontium Isotope (87Sr/86Sr) Case Studies. For submission to Journal of Archaeological Science.
Giovas, C.M., LeFebvre, M.J., and S.M. Fitzpatrick 2012. New Records for Prehistoric Introduction of Neotropical Mammals to the West Indies: evidence from Carriacou, West Indies. Journal of Biogeography 39(3):476-487.
Gould, G. and I. R. Quitmyer (2006) Allometric Analysis of Titanis walleri, In Papers Honoring S. David Webb, Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History 45(4):125-562, edited by G. Morgan, R. Hulbert, and D. Jackson, pp. 200- 229. Gainesville, FL.
Healy, Paul.F., Erin Kennedy Thornton and Martin Fuess (2005) The Post-Saladoid Faunal Assemblage from the Coconut Hall Site, Antigua, West Indies. Proceedings of the XX International Congress of Caribbean Archaeology (C. Andujar and G. Tavarez, editors). Museum of Man, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, pp. 189-200.
Healy, P., Emery, K.F., and L.E. Wright (1990) Ancient and modern Maya exploitation of the jute snail (Pachychilus). Latin American Antiquity 1(2): 170-183.
Inomata, Takeshi and Kitty F. Emery (2014) Bone and Shell Artifacts. In Life and Politics at the Royal Court of Aguateca: Artifacts, Analytical Data, and Synthesis. Edited by Takeshi Inomata and Daniela Triadan, Pp. 127-157. University of Utah Press.
Jensen, C.T., Moriarty, M.D., Johnson, K.D., Terry, R.E., Emery, K.F. and Nelson, S.D. (2007) Soil Resources of the Motul de San José Maya: Correlating Soil Taxonomy and Modern Itzá Maya Soil Classification within a Classic Maya Archaeological Zone. Geoarchaeology 22(3):337-357.
Jones, D.S., I.R. Quitmyer and C.B. DePratter (2012) Oxygen Isotope Validation of Annual Macroscopic Shell Growth Increments in Modern and Zooarchaeological Hard Clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) from the Litchfield Beach Locality, South Carolina. In: American Museum of Natural History Papers, Number 97. Pgs. 149-164. E.S. Reitz, I.R. Quitmyer and D.H. Thomas (eds).
Jones, D.S., I.R. Quitmyer, C.F.T. Andrus (2005) Oxygen Isotopic Evidence for Greater Seasonality in Holocene Shells of Donax variabilis from Florida. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology 288:96-108.
Jones, D.S., Quitmyer, I.R., C.F.T. Andrus (2004) Seasonal Shell Growth and Longevity in Donax variabilis from Northeast Florida: Evidence from Oxygen Isotopes. Journal of Shellfish Research 23(3):707-714.
Jones, D. S. and I. R. Quitmyer (1996) Marking Time with Bivalve Shells: Oxygen Isotopes and Season of Annual Increment Formation. Palaios 11:340-346.
Jones, D. S., I. R. Quitmyer, W. S. Arnold and D. C. Marelli (1990) Annual Shell Banding, Age, and Growth Rate of Hard Clams (Mercenaria spp.) from Florida. Journal of Shellfish Research 9(1):215-225.
Lamoureux-St-Hilaire, Maxime, Scott Macrae, Carmen A. McCane, Evan A. Parker, and Gyles Iannone (2015) The Last Groups Standing: Living Abandonment at the Ancient Maya Center of Minanha, Belize. Latin American Antiquity 26(4):550-569.
LeFebvre, M.J. and S.D. deFrance. 2014. Guinea Pigs in the Pre-Columbian West Indies. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 9(1):16-44.
LeFebvre, M.J. 2007. Zooarchaeological Analysis of Prehistoric Vertebrate Exploitation at the Grand Bay Site, Carriacou, West Indies. Coral Reefs 26(4): 931-944.
MacFadden, B. J. Labs-Hochstein, I. Quitmyer, and D.S. Jones (2004) Incremental Growth and Diagenesis of Skeletal parts of the Lamnoid Shark Otodus obliquus from the Early Eocene (Ypresian) of Morocco. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 206(3-4):179-192.
Macrae, Scott and Gyles Iannone (2016) Understanding Ancient Maya Agricultural Terrace Systems through Lidar and Hydrological Mapping. Advances in Archaeological Practice 4(3):371-392. PDF (available with permission of the Society for American Archaeology): Macrae and Iannone (2016) Understanding Ancient Maya Agricultural Terrace Systems through LIDAR and Hydrological Mapping.pdf (link to issue available at the SAA website: AAP Vol. 4 Issue 3)
Marquardt, William H. and Karen J. Walker (2012) Environmental and Cultural Change at the Pineland Site Complex, A.D. 50-1710. In The Archaeology of Pineland: A Coastal Southwest Florida Site Complex, A.D. 50-1710, edited by W. H. Marquardt and K. J. Walker. Institute of Archaeology and Paleoenvironmental Studies, Monograph 4. University of Florida, Gainesville. [In press]
Marquardt, William H. and Karen J. Walker (2012) Southwest Florida During the Mississippi Period. In Late Prehistoric Florida: Archaeology at the Edge of the Mississippian World, edited by K. Ashley and N. M. White. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
Marquardt, William H. and Karen J. Walker (2008) Archaeological Salvage at Brown’s Complex Mound 4, Pineland Site Complex (8LL1902), Pineland, Florida, October 2007. Report submitted to Chris and Gayle Bundschu, Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research, Office of the State Archaeologist, and the Lee County Historic Preservation Board. Randell Research Center, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville.
Marquardt, William H. and Karen J. Walker (2001) Pineland: A Coastal Wet Site in Southwest Florida. In Enduring Records: The Environmental and Cultural Heritage of Wetlands, edited by B. Purdy, pp. 48 60. Oxbow Books, Oxford, England.
Pope, K. O., M. E. D. Pohl, J. G. Jones, D. L. Lentz, C. von Nagy, F. J. Vega, and I. R. Quitmyer (2001) Origin and Environmental Setting of Ancient Agriculture in the Lowlands of Mesoamerica. Science 292:1370-1373.
Quitmyer, I.R. and D.S. Jones (2012) Annual Incremental Shell Growth Patterns in Hard Clams (Mercenaria spp.) from St. Catherines Island, Georgia: A Record of Seasonal and Anthropogenic Impact on Zooarchaeological Resources. In: Seasonality and Mobility Along the Georgia Bight. American Museum of Natural History Papers, Number 97. Pgs. 135-148. E.S. Reitz, I.R. Quitmyer and D.H. Thomas (eds).
Quitmyer, I.R. and E.J. Reitz (2006) Marine Trophic Levels Targeted Between AD 300 and 1500 on the Georgia coast, USA. Journal of Archaeological Science 33:806-822.
Quitmyer, I.R., D.S. Jones, C.F.T. Andrus (2005) Seasonal Collection of Coquina Clams (Donax variavilis) During the Archaic and St. Johns Periods in Coastal Northeast Flordia. In D. Bar-Yosef, ed., Archaeomalacology: Molluscs in Former Environments of Human Behavior, pp. 18-28. Oxbow Press, London
Quitmyer, I.R. (2004) What Kind of Data are in the Back Dirt? An Experiment on the Influence of Screen Size on Optimal Data Recovery. Archaeofauna 13:109-129. Special Issue: Tropical Zooarchaeology, K. F. Emery and W.G. Teeter, eds.
Quitmyer, I.R. (2003) Zooarchaeolgical Remains from Bottle Creek. In The Archaeology of Bottle Creek: A Mississippian Town in the Mobile Delta, edited by I. Brown, pp. 130-155. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Quitmyer, I. R. (2003) Zooarchaeology of Cinnamon Bay, St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands: PreColumbian Over Exploitation of Animal Resources. In Papers in Honor of Elizabeth S. Wing, Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History 44(1), edited by F. W. King and C. Porter, pp. 131-158. Florida Museum of History, University of Florida, Gainesville.
Quitmyer, I. R. and D. S. Jones (2000) The Over Exploitation of Hard Clams (Mercenaria spp.) from Five Archaeological Sites in the Southeastern United States. The Florida Anthropologist 53(2-3)160-167.
Quitmyer, I. R. (1999) Zooarchaeological Indicators of Habitat Exploitation and Seasonality from the Shell Ridge Midden, Palmer Site (8SO2), Osprey, Florida. The Florida Anthropologist 51(4) 193-203.
Quitmyer, I. R., D. S. Jones, and W. S. Arnold (1997) The Sclerochronology of Hard Clams, Mercenaria spp., from the Southeastern U.S.: A Method of Elucidating the Zooarchaeological Records of Seasonal Resource Procurement and Seasonality in Prehistoric Shell Middens. Journal of Archaeological Science 24:825-840.
Quitmyer, I. R. (1992) Seasonal Growth Patterns in the Shells of Southern Quahog Mercenaria campechiensis from the Palmetto Lane Midden (8SO96), Sarasota, Florida. The Florida Anthropologist 45(3):253-265.
Quitmyer, I. R., H. S. Hale, and D. S. Jones (1985) Paleoseasonality Determination Based on Incremental Shell Growth in the Hard Clam Mercenaria mercenaria, and Its Implications for the Analysis of Three Southeastern Georgia Coastal Shell Middens. Southeastern Archaeology 4(1):27-40.
Reitz, E.S., I.R. Quitmyer and D.H. Thomas (eds.) (2012) Seasonality and Mobility Along the Georgia Bight. American Museum of Natural History Papers, Number 97. American Museum of Natural History, NY.
Reitz, E. J., I. R. Quitmyer and R.A. Marrinan (2009) What are we Measuring in the Zooarchaeological Record of Prehispanic Fishing Strategies in the Georgia Bight, USA? Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 4:2-36.
Reitz, E. J. (2007) Animal Remains from the Eighteenth-Century Charleston Beef Market. South Carolina Antiquities 39(1&2):87-103.
Reitz, Elizabeth J. and Elizabeth S. Wing (2007) Zooarchaeology. 2nd Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Reitz, Elizabeth J., Barbara L. Ruff, and Martha A. Zierden (2006) Pigs in Charleston, South Carolina: Using Specimen Count to Consider Status. Historical Archaeology 40(4):104-124.
Reitz, Elizabeth J. (2004) Aboriginal Subsistence Technology: A Personal Perspective. Southeastern Archaeology 23(2):202-207.
Reitz, Elizabeth J. (2004) “Fishing Down the Food Web”: A Case Study from St. Augustine, Florida, USA. American Antiquity 69(1):63-83.
Reitz, Elizabeth J. (2003) Resource Use Through Time at Paloma, Peru. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History 44(1):65-80.
Reitz, Elizabeth J. (2001) Fishing in Peru Between 10000 and 3750 BP. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 11:163-171.
Reitz, Elizabeth J., and Daniel H. Sandweiss (2001) Environmental Change at Ostra Base Camp, A Peruvian Pre-ceramic Site. Journal of Archaeological Science 28(10):1085-1100.
Reitz, Elizabeth J. and Elizabeth S. Wing (1999) Zooarchaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Reitz, Elizabeth J. (1994) The Wells of Spanish Florida: Using Taphonomy to Identify Site History. Journal of Ethnobiology 14(2):141-160.
Reitz, Elizabeth J. (1994) Zooarchaeological Analysis of a Free African Community: Gracia Real de Santa Teresa de Mose. Historical Archaeology 28(1):23-40.
Reitz, Elizabeth J., and Barbara Ruff (1994) Morphometric Data for Cattle from North America and the Caribbean Prior to the 1950s. Journal of Archaeological Science 21(5):699-713.
Reitz, Elizabeth J. (1992) The Spanish Colonial Experience and Domestic Animals. Historical Archaeology 26(1):84-91.
Reitz, Elizabeth J. (1992) Vertebrate Fauna from Seventeenth Century St. Augustine. Southeastern Archaeology 11(2):79-94.
Reitz, Elizabeth J. (1991) Evidence for Animal Use at the Missions of Spanish Florida. The Florida Anthropologist 44(2-4):295-306.
Reitz, Elizabeth J. (1988) Evidence for Coastal Adaptations in Georgia and South Carolina. Archaeology of Eastern North America 16:137-158.
Reitz, E. J. and I. R. Quitmyer (1988) Faunal Remains from Two coastal Georgia Swift Creek Sites. Southeastern Archaeology 7(2):95-108.
Reitz, E. J., I. R. Quitmyer, H. S. Hale, S. J. Scudder, and E. S. Wing (1987) Application of Allometry to Zooarchaeology. American Antiquity 52(2):304-317.
Reitz, Elizabeth J., Rochelle Marrinan, and Susan L. Scott (1987) Survey of Vertebrate Remains from Prehistoric Sites in the Savannah River Valley. Journal of Ethnobiology 7(2):195-221.
Reitz, E. J. (1986) Urban/Rural Contrasts in Vertebrate Fauna from the Southern Coastal Plain. Historical Archaeology 20(2):47-58.
Reitz, E. J. (1986) Vertebrate Fauna from Locus 39, Puerto Real, Haiti. Journal of Field Archaeology 13:317-328.
Reitz, E. J. (1985) A Comparison of Spanish and Aboriginal Subsistence on the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Southeastern Archaeology 4(1):41-50.
Reitz, E. J. (1985) Faunal Evidence for Sixteenth Century Spanish Subsistence at St. Augustine, Florida. The Florida Anthropologist 38(1-2):54-69.
Reitz, E. J. (1982) Availability and Use of Fish along Coastal Georgia and Florida. Southeastern Archaeology 1(1):65-88.
Reitz, E. J. (1982) Vertebrate Fauna from Four Coastal Mississippian Sites. Journal of Ethnobiology 2(1):39-61.
Reitz, E. J. (1979) Faunal Materials from Viru 434: An Early Intermediate Period Site from Coastal Peru. Florida Journal of Anthropology 4(2):76-92.
Reitz, Elizabeth J. (1978) Tisher Pond Mound, Ocala National Forest, Florida. The Florida Anthropologist 31(1):12-20.
Robinson, E., P. Farrel, K.F. Emery, D.E. Freidel, and G. Braswell (2002) Preclassic Settlements and Geomorphology in the Highlands of Guatemala: Excavations at Urias, Valley of Antigua. In Incidents of Archaeology in Central America and Yucatan: Essays in Honor of Edwin M. Shook, edited by M. Love, pp. 251-276. University Press of America: Maryland.
Ruhl, Donna L. and Barbara A. Purdy (2005) One hundred-one Canoes on the Shore: 3-5,000 year old canoes from Newnans Lake, Florida. Journal of Wetlands Archaeology 5:121-136.
Ruhl, Donna L. (2003) Archaeobotanical Remains, Chapter 6. In Presidio Santa Maria de Galve: A Struggle for Survival in Early 18th-Century Spanish Colonial Pensacola, edited by J. Bense, pp. 229-256, Appendix IV:416-438. University Presses of Florida, Gainesville.
Ruhl, Donna L. (2003) Envisioning Native American and Hispanic Transformations of the Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Georgia Bight Landscapes. In Papers to Honor Elizabeth S. Wing. Edited by Charlotte Porter and F. Wayne King. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History (44):183-198.
Ruhl, Donna L. (2000) Archaeobotany of Bernath Place (8SR986) and other Santa Rosa/Swift Creek-Related Sites in Coastal and Non-coastal Southeastern U.S. locations. Special issue of The Florida Anthropologist 53(2-3):190-203.
Ruhl, Donna L. and Christine Newman, guest editors (2000) “Current Trends and Research in Florida Archaeology,” special issue of The Florida Anthropologist, vol. 53(nos. 2-3).
Ruhl, Donna L. (1997) Oranges and Wheat: Spanish Attempts at Agriculture in La Florida. In Diversity and Social Identity in Colonial Spanish America: Native American, African, and Hispanic Communities during the Middle Period. Society for Historical Archaeology 31(1):36-45.
Ruhl, Donna L. and Kathleen Hoffman, editors (1997) Diversity and Social Identity in Colonial Spanish America: Native American, African, and Hispanic Communities During the Middle Period. The Society for Historical Archaeology, vol.30, no.1.
Ruhl, Donna L. (1993) Old Customs and Traditions in New Terrain: A Look at the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Paleoethnobotanical Data from La Florida. In Foraging and Farming in the Eastern Woodlands edited by C. Margaret Scarry, pp. 255-283. Ripley P. Bullen Monograph Series, University of Florida Press, Gainesville, FL.
Ruhl, Donna L. (1990) Spanish Mission Paleoethnobotany: An Overview and some Speculations for the 16th and 17th century La Florida. In Columbian Consequences: Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on the Spanish Borderlands East, Vol II, edited by David H. Thomas, pp. 560-580. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.
Russo, Michael, Barbara M. Purdy, Lee A. Newsom and Ray M. McGee (1992) A Reinterpretation of Late Archaic Adaptations in Central-East Florida: Groves’ Orange Midden (8VO2601). Southeastern Archaeology 11(2): 95-108.
Sassaman, K., M.E. Blessing, A.R. Randall. (2006) Stallings Island Revisited: New Evidence for Occupational History, Community Pattern, and Subsistence Technology. American Antiquity 71(3):539-565.
Scudder, S. J. (2008) Anatomy of a Southwest Florida Sand Burial Mound: Smith Mound at the Pineland Site Complex. In Case Studies in Environmental Archaeology. eds. E. Reitz, C. Margaret Scarry, S. Scudder, pp. 81-94. Springer, New York.
Scudder, S. J. (2006) Early Arawak subsistence strategies: The Rodney’s House Site of Jamaica. In The Earliest Inhabitants: The Dynamics of the Jamaican Taino, ed. L. Atkinson, pp. 113-129. Univ. of the West Indies Press, Jamaica.
Scudder, S. J. (2006) Terrestrial soil or submerged sediment? The Early Archaic at the Page-Ladson site. In The First Floridians and Last Mastodons, ed. S. D. Webb, pp 439-460. Springer, The Netherlands.
Scudder, S. J. (2003) Deep Sand: Soil and landscape relationships at the Blueberry Site (8HG678), Highlands Co., FL. In Florida Museum of Natural History Bulletin, Zooarchaeology: papers to honor Elizabeth S. Wing, vol. 44 no. 1, pp. 17-26, University of Florida, Gainesville.
Scudder, S. J. (2003) Sea level rise or shallow-water midden deposition? Archaeopedology at the Seminole Rest archaeological site, coastal east-central Florida. Journal of Archaeological Sciences 30 (1,2):1551-1557.
Scudder, S. J. (2001) Evidence of sea level rise at the Early Ostionan Coralie site (GT-3), ca. AD 700, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands. Journal of Archaeological Science 28(11):1221-1233.
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