Differential Deposits at MC-6 (Middle Caicos)

Recent excavations by Joost Morsink (Courtesy Assistant Scientist, Florida Museum) at MC-6, a prehistoric site on the island of Middle Caicos, produced several vertebrate faunal samples. Zooarchaeological analysis by Michelle LeFebvre focused on eight vertebrate samples from 2 different contexts: 2 samples recovered from within a stone “structure”, Structure IV, and 6 samples from the surrounding midden. Results indicate clear spatial distinctions in vertebrate processing (and presumed consumption) and deposition at the site, and suggest that the habitation of MC-6 may have been influenced in part by the procurement and processing of bonefish (Albula vulpes). (Adapted from LeFebvre, M.J. and J. Morsink 2012. Results of Vertebrate Zooarchaeology from MC-6 , Middle Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands. Poster exhibit in the Florida Museum of Natural History Fall 2012 Student Research Exhibit.)