Exhibits building closes SOON for the expansion! Last day to visit is Sunday, March 23. Learn More
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Are you rrrrrready to rrrrrumble?! It’s a crocodilian battle royal at the Florida Museum and YOU decide the winner! Are you Team Crocs or Team Gators?

Cheer on Florida Museum herpetologists Edward Stanley and David Blackburn as they debate crocodiles versus alligators and take part in this epic showdown to decide which reptile reigns supreme. Real-time online voting gives guests the power to decide the winner!

  • Take part in a trivia hunt for prizes and experience LIVE animals in Crocs while chatting with Katie, the exhibit’s Croc Keeper.
  • Keep the fun going at multiple stations, including cornhole, button-making and #UnScienceAnAnimal alligator-edition!
  • Talk to Florida Museum herpetologists and see crocodilian specimens like skulls, skins, bones, eggs and teeth from the Museum’s collections.
  • Food and beverages will be available for purchase!

Food trucks: Cilantro Tacos
Cash bar: Dos Mamas’ Catering

Be aware, may contain adult content. Parental discretion is advised.


  • $15 for non-members*
  • $12 for Museum members*

Buy Tickets Now! Save the Date on Facebook

*Any remaining tickets will be available for purchase at the door (cash or credit) on a first-come, first-served basis at $18 for non-members and $15 for members.


  • 6 p.m. – Event begins – explore the Crocs exhibit, participate in the activity stations and take part in the trivia hunt. Please note the “Discovery Zone” and “Butterfly Rainforest” exhibits will be closed.
  • 7 p.m. – Crocs vs. Gators debate in the Denny Gallery with real-time voting
  • 8:45 p.m. – Trivia hunt prize drawing

Prizes by:

For questions about accessibility or to request accommodations, please contact specialevents@flmnh.ufl.edu or 352-273-2045 (TTY/TDD 711) at least 10 business days prior to the event.


Name: Amber Tison, Florida Museum

Phone: 352-273-2045

Email: atison@flmnh.ufl.edu


Florida Museum of Natural History

3215 Hull Road
Gainesville, FL 32611

Phone: 352-846-2000

Website: View Venue Website

The Florida Museum may photograph or video visitors for educational and promotional purposes. Attendance to a Florida Museum event constitutes the attendee’s consent regarding the possibility of appearing in Museum marketing materials.