Exhibits building closes SOON for the expansion! Last day to visit is Sunday, March 23. Learn More
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The Florida Museum and First Magnitude Brewing Co. invite you to a fundraiser to help support butterfly conservation in Florida. As part of the event, First Magnitude will release a special black rye ale with vanilla called “Black Witch,” highlighting the Black Witch moth.

First Magnitude Brewing logoConservation at home

Light pollution can harm moths and other nocturnal insects. Help them by turning off unneeded lights, using motion-activated lighting, and switching to bulbs that produce red-colored light.

Event highlights

Check out spooky specimens from the museum collections and grab a free native plant! Glasses with the logo imagery will also be available for purchase at the event.

Each visitor can choose one plant from a variety of native species, available on first come, first served basis until we’re out:

  • Lanceleaf Coreopsis
  • Starry Rosinweed
  • Spotted Beebalm

10% of each can sold will directly support imperiled butterfly recovery efforts in Florida.

Explore more


Name: Jaret Daniels, McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity

Phone: 352-273-2022

Email: jdaniels@flmnh.ufl.edu


First Magnitude Brewing Company

1220 SE Veitch St.
Gainesville, FL 32601

Phone: 352-727-4677

Website: View Venue Website

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