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Looking for classroom ideas and teaching materials? The Florida Museum of Natural History and Harn Museum of Art partner with other educational organizations to provide information about field trips, workshops, lesson plans and free resources.
This event is open to all public, private and homeschool educators. Attendees will receive FREE admission to the Crocs: Ancient Predators in a Modern World exhibit (from 2 to 5 p.m.), participate in Harn Museum exhibition tours (from 3:30 to 5 p.m.), enjoy refreshments and receive a discount in the Museum gift shops.
Earn In-Service Points! On the day of the event, Alachua County Public Schools teachers can register at the Museum to earn in-service points for attending the open house or register online in advance at alachua.truenorthlogic.com.
Free Parking – pick up your parking pass at the front of the Florida Museum before parking.
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