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Holbrook Travel & the Florida Museum present

Expedition to the Galápagos Islands

Dec. 2-12, 2019

Led by Dr. David W. Steadman, Curator of Ornithology at the Florida Museum of Natural History

Seal on Galapagos Island

Hovering over the equator, 600 miles from the coast of Ecuador, the Galápagos is a world within itself. Nearly all creatures that inhabit these islands are found nowhere else on earth and have developed unique adaptations to survive in their environment. With no natural enemies present, the animals throughout this archipelago have virtually no fear of humans, making them remarkably tame, not to mention photogenic!

This expedition will be an educational eco-adventure perfect for anyone with an interest in nature and learning about this incredible world!

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Name: Lisa Palmese-Graubard, Holbrook Travel

Phone: 800-451-7111 x339

Email: lisa@holbrooktravel.com

Website: View Organizer Website


Galápagos Islands

Baltra Airport Rd
Baltara, Islas Galápagos Ecuador
Get Driving Directions

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