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Dig into the past and learn about the fascinating history of native Florida peoples. We’re going on an easy hike to discover more about the people who once walked these lands, from pre-contact Native peoples to 19th century pioneers. We are also bringing specimens from our archaeology collection for you to look at!

Today’s event

  • Theme: Archaeology
  • Price: $14 per adult/child pair, includes park entrance fee. $7 per additional person.
  • Audience: Best suited for children in grades K-6.
  • Location: Lake Wauberg/Wauburg Boardwalk parking lot.
  • Instructors: Elise LeCompte, Florida Museum Registrar

Masks are recommended for this program.


Make sure to sign up soon as there are limited spots available! Pre-payment is required for these off-site events.

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map of paynes prairieLocation

The Lake Wauberg Boardwalk is part of Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park. The parking lot (circled in red) is located on Puggy Road, off of Savannah Boulevard and US 441, near Micanopy, FL. Check out the map here so you can meet us at the correct location:
Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park PDF brochure by Florida State Parks

Spelling note: Lake Wauberg is also spelled Lake Wauburg in some places.

About this program

This socially distant, personalized tour of the park is ideal for homeschool or learning pod groups. Feel free to stay after our program ends to explore the park further, have a picnic lunch or enjoy nature!

Want to know more about the typical schedule or what to expect on these nature walks? Explore more about this program:

Museum in the Parks


Name: Alberto Lopez Torres, Florida Museum

Email: alopez@floridamuseum.ufl.edu


Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park

100 Savannah Blvd
Micanopy, FL 32667

Phone: 352-545-6000

Website: View Venue Website

The Florida Museum may photograph or video visitors for educational and promotional purposes. Attendance to a Florida Museum event constitutes the attendee’s consent regarding the possibility of appearing in Museum marketing materials.