Exhibits building closes SOON for the expansion! Last day to visit is Sunday, March 23. Learn More
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Register now for a FREE 360° tour discussing the early Native people featured in the Museum’s exhibits. Then, go behind-the-scenes into the collections to explore artifacts with our scientists.

Meet archaeologists Michelle LeFebvre and Neill Wallis as they share how humans have interacted with Florida’s environment both long ago and today. Together they will highlight some of the thousands of artifacts housed in collections that document human history in Florida.


Early Native Peoples of Florida

K-12 Resources: Extension Activities


  • Dr. Michelle LeFebvre, Assistant Curator of the South Florida Archaeology and Ethnography Program, Department of Anthropology at the University of Florida
  • Dr. Neill Wallis, Associate Curator in Archaeology, Florida Museum of Natural History
  • Alberto Lopez Torres, Youth Outreach Coordinator, Florida Museum of Natural History


Register now Watch YouTube Live at 10:00 AM ET

This free virtual event is co-hosted by the Scientist in Every Florida School program.

Browse more SEFS events.



Name: Stephanie Killingsworth, UF Thompson Earth Systems Institute

Email: skillingsworth@floridamuseum.ufl.edu


Florida Museum of Natural History

3215 Hull Road
Gainesville, FL 32611

Phone: 352-846-2000

Website: View Venue Website

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