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Sharpen your pencils and have your paper ready for this members-only interactive Zoom event with world-renowned paleo artist Julius Csotonyi.

Join us for this special virtual member event featuring paleo artist Julius Csotonyi in conversation with Florida Museum curator of vertebrate paleontology Dr. Jonathan Bloch and Silver Plume Exhibitions curator Alanna Regester. Learn how artists and scientists work together to reconstruct the past and how you can create your own piece of paleo art as you learn to draw a protoceratops hatchling!

We suggest attendees have 2 differently colored pencils for the drawing tutorial.

Member Invitations

This event is for Museum members only.

Members will receive an email with a link to register. If you are a member and have not received an email by Friday, September 17, please contact RSVP@flmnh.ufl.edu to request the link.

Visit our membership page if you would like to become a member or need to renew your membership.

Due to the exceptional popularity of member events, we are not able to accommodate any guests who are not members of the Florida Museum.

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Become a Member

If as a result of a disability you need a special accommodation, please contact the membership office at members@flmnh.ufl.edu or 352-273-2047 (TDD 711) at least 10 business days prior to the event.

Header image art courtesy Julius Csotonyi


Name: Kara Schwartz, Florida Museum

Phone: 352-273-2047

Email: rsvp@flmnh.ufl.edu


Florida Museum of Natural History

3215 Hull Road
Gainesville, FL 32611

Phone: 352-846-2000

Website: View Venue Website

The Florida Museum may photograph or video visitors for educational and promotional purposes. Attendance to a Florida Museum event constitutes the attendee’s consent regarding the possibility of appearing in Museum marketing materials.