Exhibits building closes SOON for the expansion! Last day to visit is Sunday, March 23. Learn More
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Step into the shoes of a scientist and make your own research tools at your local library! Out in the field, researchers use special tools to explore the natural world. Learn how to make and use these neat tools yourself.

This four-part series consists of four free, 45-minute learning sessions, perfect for elementary-aged learners. While the four parts of the series are meant to work together, each session is designed to also offer stand-alone science education.

If you miss one session, you can check the calendar and catch it at a different library branch. These sessions do not require pre-registration but do have limited capacity.

Make a Snake Catcher

In this fourth session of our Engineering Scientist Tools series we’ll be learning how to make a snake catcher and pick up toy snakes like a herpetologist!

We begin each session with an interactive demonstration of a scientific concept, followed by hands-on activities that can be taken home.

Science Surprises: Engineering Scientist Tools

Join us for Science Surprises at your local library all around Alachua County! This month at the Library Partnership Branch:

Engineering Scientist Tools series
April 4: Make a Pooter
April 11: Make a Flashlight
April 18: Make an Anemometer
April 25: Make a Snake Catcher

This program is supported by the Children’s Trust of Alachua County.

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Florida Museum on the Go!

Over the next year, we’ll be bringing the Florida Museum to branches across the Alachua County Library District as well as many other places out on our community. You never know where the museum will be popping up next. Check our calendar or subscribe to our emails to keep up to date.


Name: Alberto Lopez Torres, Florida Museum

Email: alopez@floridamuseum.ufl.edu


Library Partnership Branch

912 NE 16 Ave.
Gainesville, FL 32601

Phone: 352-334-0165

Website: View Venue Website

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The Florida Museum may photograph or video visitors for educational and promotional purposes. Attendance to a Florida Museum event constitutes the attendee’s consent regarding the possibility of appearing in Museum marketing materials.