Exhibits building closes SOON for the expansion! Last day to visit is Sunday, March 23. Learn More

Wildlife forensics is uses science to investigate wildlife-related crimes involving the exotic pet trade, poaching, and other illegal hunting activities, and even oil spills.

Madelaine Verbeek, a UF Masters Student in Wildlife Forensic Sciences and Conservation, leads an engaging virtual conversation exploring how forensics is used to investigate these crimes including ones happening right here in Florida.

This video was recorded live on Oct. 8, 2020.

Science OFF Tap, Fall 2020

The Sunshine State is experiencing many environmental challenges, but how will these changes affect the future? Grab your favorite local brew and join the Florida Museum and UF Thompson Earth Systems Institute for an engaging virtual conversation about urban streams with experts in the field as part of the series “Changes on the Horizon.”

Although we can’t host our events at local breweries right now due to COVID-19, we remain grateful to the support from our partners First Magnitude Brewing Co. and Cypress and Grove Brewing Co.