Our exhibits building is CLOSED. Anticipated re-opening in 2026. Learn More

While most of our staff who can work at home are doing so, a few of our hardworking exhibits team members are taking advantage of the Museum being closed to get a jump on projects that are difficult to do when we’re open (which is normally 362 days/year).

One of the many upgrades we’ve had planned was to replace, repair and update a lot of the signage in the Butterfly Rainforest. Although the exhibit is secure and enclosed, it is still outdoors and exposed to the elements. And hundreds of people walk through daily. So you can imagine our signs, railing, walkways and benches see quite a bit of wear and tear.

Today they’re working on the interpretive signs, as well as sign supports and the plants and soil directly nearby. It’s a beautiful day to work outside—at a safe distance from each other per CDC recommendations!

When we are able to reopen the Museum, you’ll likely notice some of the housekeeping projects we’ve been working on while closed. Stay tuned and stay safe!

Florida Museum photos by Butterfly Rainforest staff