Exhibits building closes SOON for the expansion! Last day to visit is Sunday, March 23. Learn More

Our team had a lot of fun building this exhibit! It was an ideal collaboration between two strong fields of study here at the Museum–sharks and the fossils of Florida. We have been sending it all over the country for people to enjoy.

From time to time we bring it home for a celebrity appearance so the newest generation of kids can experience it themselves. Megalodon: Largest Shark that Ever Lived visited us from Oct. 4, 2014 through Jan. 4, 2015.

Alongside the many exhibit features like fossils, models and interactive stations, one of the crowd favorites is the 60-foot-long walk-through Megalodon sculpture because it gives you a very real feeling of just how big these sharks grew!

Watch our team set up the exhibit in our space in time-lapse:

About the photography

This photo sequence shows the 10-day installation of the exhibit. More than 1,500 photographs were taken from a camera installed near the ceiling and programmed to take an image every 8 to 30 minutes depending on activity level.

Of the 1,500 images captured, 770 were used in the final time lapse–those taken at the end of the day or at night when there was no activity were removed.

The photos were taken with a Nikon D200 camera with a 10.5 mm fisheye lens in aperture priority setting.