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logo text Frogs A Chorus of Colors with a green frog climbing on the text 'frogs'FROGS! A Chorus of Colors

This exhibit was on display January 28, 2017, through September 4, 2017

We were so excited to welcome visitors to the colorful world of anurans—commonly known as frogs and toads! This fun exhibit featured many fascinating species of live frogs, each adapted ingeniously for survival in locations around the world.

Visitors got to meet some of the most visually stunning, vocally pleasing and remarkably adaptable life forms on earth. We searched for hidden frogs, activate calls and perform a virtual dissection in this hands-on, minds-on adventure allowing visitors to discover the important role frogs play—including serving as indicators for the health of our environment.

Visitors went eyeball-to-eyeball with frogs from around the world including delicate tree frogs, pudgy bullfrogs, bizarre horned frogs, giant toads and elegant poison dart frogs. Some of the live species on display included the African bullfrog, Amazon milk frog, fire-bellied toad, bumblebee poison frog, Ornate horned frog and the Borneo eared frog.


Frogs! A Chorus of Colors was created by Peeling Productions at Clyde Peeling’s Reptiland and sponsored in part by contributions from the 150th Anniversary Cultural Plaza Endowment, UF Student Government and the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs.