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logo with drawing of megalodon and a human size of the sharks jaws and the text Megalodon Largest Shark that Ever LivedMegalodon: Largest Shark that Ever Lived

This exhibit was on display September 19, 2020, through January 10, 2021

The world’s largest shark returned to Gainesville in 2020! Visitors marveled at Megalodon, the gigantic prehistoric shark that once cruised the planet’s oceans. They walked through the jaws of a 60-foot-long replica of this apex predator, counted shark growth rings, took pictures with some huge chompers, and got a close-up look at fossil specimens and life-size models of other ancient and modern sharks.

Megalodon was produced by the Florida Museum of Natural History with support from the National Science Foundation and sponsored in part by contributions from the University of Florida Student Government and Florida Division of Cultural Affairs.