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Permian Monsters: Life Before the Dinosaurs
This exhibit was on display September 29, 2018, through May 5, 2019
Who could resist the opportunity to step back in time 290 million years to when distinctive creatures dominated life on land and sea? Our visitors learned about the greatest extinction the world has ever seen.
The past came to life with fossilized skeletons and full-sized replicas of the animals that ruled the world before the age of dinosaurs, in a time known as the Permian. We caught a glimpse into the period through detailed paintings from award-winning paleo-artist Julius Csotonyi as well as models of giant insects, bizarre-looking sharks and strange reptiles with mammal-like characteristics. Crowd favorites were photos with the giant saber-toothed Gorgonopsid, the top predator of the time, and sifting through interactive dig pits for discoveries.
Permian Monsters: Life Before the Dinosaurs was created by Gondwana Studios and sponsored in part by contributions from Visit Gainesville/Alachua County, University of Florida Student Government and the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs.his exhibit was created by Gondwana Studios and sponsored in part by contributions from Visit Gainesville/Alachua County, University of Florida Student Government and the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs.