Holotype, BMNH 1863.12.11.151
Acrochordonichthys ischnosoma Bleeker 1858
Identification: Acrochordonichthys ischnosoma has a moderately compressed body, a comparatively narrow depressed head (18% SL), and a slender caudal peduncle (5-6% SL). The head is covered with small, indistinct tubercles. Tubercles on the body are arranged in 5 or 6 horizontal rows on each side. There is a thick humeral process (maximum width = 18% length), an angular anterior margin on the anal fin, and an angular posterior margin on the adipose fin. The dorsal surface of the head and body is brown. Many large dark brown spots are scattered randomly on the dorsal surface of the head. The belly, chest and ventral surface of the head are cream colored and lack spots. The dorsal, pectoral, pelvic and anal fins are cream-colored with two dark brown bands; one band is located at the base and the other is at the edge of the fin. The cream-colored caudal fin has a dark brown band near the edge and a dark brown patch at the base of the caudal peduncle. The cream-colored barbels and pectoral spines have dark brown spots on the dorsal surfaces. The premaxillary toothband is partially exposed when the mouth is closed. The stout pectoral spine has 7 large serrations on the posterior edge. There are 5 branchiostegal rays, 39 vertebrae, and a long slender genital papilla on the male.
Range: This species is found in the Citarum River drainage in western Java.
Habitat: A. ischnosoma is found among woody debris in current in creeks and small to medium-sized rivers.
Similar species: A. guttatus, A. strigosus, A. mahakamensis and A. septentrionalis have a shorter distance between the dorsal and adipose fins, and a shorter snout. A. guttatus has a deeper body and thinner humeral process. A. mahakamensis has a more rounded anterior adipose fin margin. A. septentrionalis has a wider head. A. strigosus has a more rounded posterior adipose fin margin and a shorter, thicker male genital papilla.
Information from Ng, H. H. and P. K. L. Ng. 2001. A revision of the akysid catfish genus Acrochordonichthys Bleeker. Journal of Fish Biology 58: 386-418.