Photo by B. M. Burr

Hardman, M. 2004. The phylogenetic relationships among Noturus catfishes (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae) as inferred from mitochondrial gene cytochrome b and nuclear recombination activating gene 2. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 30: 395-408.

Right. Fifty percent majority rule consensus phylogram resulting from Bayesian analysis of the ictalurid cytochrome b alignment. Only relationships among Noturus species are shown. Noturus stanauli and N. crypticus are highlighted with a box. The most recent common ancestor of the Noturus hildebrandi species clade is marked with a black dot. Asterisks at nodes indicate a 95% or greater Bayesian posterior probability.
Near, Thomas J. and M. Hardman. 2006. Phylogenetic relationships Noturus stanauli and N. crypticus (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae), two imperiled freshwater fish species from the southeastern United States. Copeia, 2006 (3): 378-383.

Hardman, M., and L. M. Page. 2003. Phylogenetic relationships among bullhead catfishes of the genus Ameiurus (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae). Copeia, 2003 (1): 20-33.