
Finding a fishhook in an archaeological site is rare whether underwater or from a terrestrial site….  as are many of the cultural belongings found in these galleries…  stay tuned for more updates!


Selected References:

Dunbar, James. 2016. Paleoindian Societies of the Coastal Southeast. University Press of Florida.

Hemmings, C. Andrew. 1999. The Paleoindian and early Archaic Tools of Sloth Hole (8Je121): An Inundated site in the Lower Aucilla River, Jefferson County, Florida. University of Florida.

Jefferies, Richard W. 1997. Middle Archaic Bone Pins: Evidence of Mid-Holocene Regional Scale Social Groups in the Southern Midwest. American Antiquity 62(3):464-487.

Moore, Christopher R. 2010. A Macroscopic Investigation of Technology Style and the Production of Middle to Late Archaic Fishhooks at the Chiggerville, Read, and Baker Sites, Western Kentucky. Southeastern Archaeology 29(1):197-221. [Link to article]

Sassaman, Kenneth E. 2006. People of the Shoals: Stallings Culture of the Savannah River Valley. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Thompson, Victor et al.  2020. Ancient engineering of Fish capture and storage in southwest Florida.  In PNAS 117(15): 8374-838. [Link to article]

Walker, Karen J. 2000. The Material Culture of Precolumbian Fishing: Artifacts and Fish remains from coastal Southwest Florida. Southeastern Archaeology, Vol. 19, No., pp24-45. [Link to article

Webb, William S. 1950. The Carlson Annis Mound, Site 5, Butler County, Kentucky.  University of Kentucky Reports in Anthropology 7(4), Lexington, Kentucky.