Special thanks are due to individuals who assisted in collecting plant specimens, especially Richard Baird, William Cinea, Teodora Clase, Daniel Cordier, Donald Dod, Alfonso Doucette, Eladio Fernandez, Richard Franz, Jean Vilmond Hilaire, Gretchen M. Ionta, Lucas C. Majure, Jenness McBride, Conley K. McMullen, Sonny Parafina, Paul Paryski, Brigido Peguero, James D. Skean, Jr., Fred Thompson, Roy Voss, and Charles Woods. We also wish to thank Charles Woods and Paul Paryski for their assistance in locating geographical localities and important historical references. We thank Carroll E. Woods, Jr., Michael Canoso, Richard A. Howard, and Walter Kittredge for their assistance during the visit of W.S.J. to the Harvard University Herbaria in order to identify problematic Haitian collections. We also thank the curators of the Swedish Museum of Natural History and the New York Botanical Garden for their loans of comparative material for certain taxa. Thanks are also due to Florence Sergile, for her help in processing some of the voucher specimens collected in the course of this investigation as well as logistical assistance. We are grateful to the many individuals who provided identifications for certain taxonomic groups, i.e., David W. Hall (grasses), John T. Mickel (Polystichum, Elaphoglossum, Cystopteris), Laurence E. Skog (Gesneria, Rhytidophyllum), Thomas A. Zanoni (misc. flowering plants), Alain H. Liogier (misc. flowering plants), Alan R. Smith (Thelypteris), Timothy Plowman (Brunfelsia), Elizabeth Kellogg (Eremolepis), Grady L. Webster (Hyeronima), William D’Arcy (Solanum), Tom Soderstrom (Chusquea), Scott Zona (Calyptronoma), William R. Buck (mosses), and Richard Harris (lichens). We thank J. Dan Skean, Jr., Lucas C. Majure, Gretchen M. Ionta, and John L. Clark for the use of field photos. We appreciate the diligent efforts of our staff in preparing the herbarium specimen images. The majority were created by Kathleen M. Davis, and others were created by Xhulio Binjaku, Sunny K. Makati, Kent D. Perkins, and Ravi M. Soni.
The development of this Web site was supported, in part, by a grant from the Société Audubon Haïti. The initial collections made in the Macaya park were funded by USAID (project no. 521-0191-A-00-7107-00, to Charles Woods) and later fieldwork was supported, at least in part, by a number of National Science Foundation grants, especially BSR-9016793, BSR-8406760, BSR-85-14299, DEB-0818399, and DEB-0515636, with various P.I.s.