A new interface is planned for the old Invertebrate Paleontology image galleries. In the meantime, here are instructions to find those images in the new Specify collection database:
1. Click the name of the gallery you would like to view from the list below.
2. A list of the objects from that gallery will be displayed in the Specify portal. Select the “Images” tab to view a gallery of the objects. Double-click an object to view a larger image.
3. Select “Associated Specimens” at the bottom of the larger image window to view more information about the specimen.
4. Select the “Map” tab to see the location where the specimen was collected.
- Florida fossil bivalves
- Florida fossil cephalopods
- Florida fossil corals
- Florida fossil crabs, shrimps, and barnacles
- Florida fossil gastropods and scaphopods
- Florida fossil lamp shells
- Florida fossil moss animals
- Florida fossil Protista
- Florida fossil sand dollars, sea urchins, and sea biscuits
- Florida fossil sea lilies
- Florida fossil worms
- Holotypes of fossil bivalves, gastropods, and scaphopods
- Holotypes of fossil corals
- Holotypes of fossil crabs, shrimps, barnacles, and insects
- Holotypes of fossil echinoids, asteroids, ophiuroids, and crinoids
- Holotypes of fossil moss animals
- Holotypes of fossil traces
- Non-Florida fossil bivalves, gastropods, cephalopods, and scaphopods
- Non-Florida fossil corals
- Non-Florida fossil crabs, shrimps, barnacles & insects
- Non-Florida fossil lamp shells
- Non-Florida fossil sand dollars, sea urchins, and sea biscuits