Way back in the spring of 2017 we teamed up with the University of Hawaii’s Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology and the Smithonian’s MarineGEO program to conduct a biodiversity survey of Kaneohe Bay off of Oahu.

photo of Oahu from the water. big, blue sky
Kaneohe Bay looking towards Oahu

We stayed at the HIMB marine lab on Coconut Island with several expeditions each day bringing back samples.  There were several groups with different areas of expertise looking at different aspects of biodiversity, we were, not surprisingly, on the invertebrate team.


There was adventure…

group of divers on the boat after a dive
fresh off a dive


burned and melted giant battery
probably fine

Special effects…

smoke comming out of cryo shipping container
the shipping container for the RNA samples is a bit of a drama queen


neat, orderly vials of different colored sediment
rare photo of sediment samples in the wild


station notes on a white
all those collecting sites aren’t going to remember themselves

And invertebrates…

examples of specimens in the field


specimen photo


specimen photo
Hypselodoris imperialis


specimen photo
Calcinus laevimanus

There was also a lot of cavalier togetherness.  It was a different time.

view of the busy and crowded lab
threat level magenta by 2020 standards

This trip generated thousands of specimens, sequences and photos.  It can (and usually does) take years to wade through all those data.  But with time away from physical specimens, data-wading moves to the top of many to-do lists.  In addition to the updating of our database with new IDs, photos, and sequence information, Gustav recently compiled this photo checklist of invertebrates from the trip: Invertebase Hawaii Bioblitz Checklist.  Take a look to see if we found your favorite Hawaiian marine invertebrate.

Gustav,Mandy, John posing outside
photo by Natalie van Hoose

🙂 Mandy